Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Johnny Cashout is a better poker player than Frank

That would be a perfect name for a poker player, Johnny Cashout. It's time I let my alter ego Johnny Cashout take over cause Frank is just a big doof online. Guess who dropped 5 hundo the other night or last night or yesterday I don't remember exactly when. I'll give you a hint, his name starts with an F, he needs to hit the gym bad, and he's really goodlooking.
I got exactly 5% of my bankroll on PokerStars right now. On August 5 my deposits will be cleared and I can cashout. Thats all for now folks.

I'm continuing this post a few days later. I see the post before this my total wealth was about 4.9k. I can now regrettably report that my total wealth has sunk to around 3.5k. I took a lot out of the bank to buy shit and had a couple of disaster days online. I know I have to report it so there it is. I haven't exactly stuck to the plan. But I still can play well from now on. I'm going to recruit my alter ego Johnny Cashout to play for me. He's going to play using basically the same system as Frank did. However I'm going to use a 10% rule and paly with 300 bucks each day. I'm going to play 3 tables of 25c 50c 6 max NLH, 1000 hands and then stop. I'm going to try an be awake during the day and sleep during the night. I think depression from not seeing an daylight for a while and not doing enough socializing caused me to play bad. It's not the end of thw world though my bankroll has never dropped this low. At it highest it was 7.5k, and at one point it was in the 4k range, but under 3.5k is really a shame. I'm just looking at it this way: A big time pro who used to have a million dollar bankroll would be absolutely mortified to all of the sudden wake up 1 day with a bankroll of 200 grand. Because it's all relative, if you gave me a 200k bankroll I would be doing backflips. I used to have a 7.5k bankroll but now I have less than half that but I'm gonna thank God for what I do have and make the most of it and play well. SOme poor kid who just finished college and has plenty of student loans and a 400 dollar bankroll wishes he was me. So if you think about money it's just like the game of poker itself. When you take a bad beat you lose a big pot, you lose money. Theres no reason to be upset cause its in the past and all that matters if playing your best from this point on.

We must remember this at all times. The chip leader in a tournament just lost a big pot and now only has 400k in chips. He used to have 800k baby, he feels terrible. Then theres that shortstack who just doubled up finally, he's up to 95k now. But at that exact moment in time the shortstack with 95k is a whole lot happier than the former chip leader sitting with 400k. The guy with less money is happier! This makes no sense technically but it happens everday because your status in life is all relative. So next time you lose a big pot just keep in mind that you must stop and appreciate what you do have, and no sense in thinking about the past. There's always someone who would love to be you. Besides, with poker its easy to forget and move on, it's not like forgetting about that girl who got away. I will always love you BBL.

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