Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jacks Full loses to Quad Queens on River

And it happened to Derick, the same poor bastard who lost with quad 5's to the straight flush the other night. I don't lose a hand like that all year and this crazy shit happens to him twice in 3 days. He's holding JJ flop comes QQJ and his opponents had AQ, they get it all in on the turn, 900 bucks in the pot, river is the case Q!!!!! Poor Derick, down close to a G in 2 hands that there's no getting away from, but if anyone can make it all back in 2 seconds it's Derick.
Anyway, since I've decided to record what happens to me everyday now and post a picture of a smoking hot babe everyday I will also post my hand of the day, but only ones that happen to me. Look forward to that at the end. I actually played 2 sessions today because the first one went so quickly, I lost my 250 real fast, so decided under this strange circumstance it was ok to break the 5% rule, yeah so I'm risking lose 500 bucks in a day, won't happen to often, tonight was to strange of a situation, I had to do it. So here's a log of session 1:

Bankroll: 4.3k
PokerStars: 250
Cashouts Pending: 0
Expense Account: 0
Total Wealth: 4.55k
Today: Two tables of 25c 50c 6 max No Limit Holdem. 1000 hands max
Result: 384 hands
% Bankroll increase:
% Bankroll decrease?: - 5%
Money Won: - 250
Money Spent: 60
Total Wealth: 4.25k

Once I was down to 59 dollars or so I just play HU and sucked it up once again. Another 250 dollar losing session, 2 in a row, go Frank! I made another deposit of 250 and began another session.
Bankroll: 4k
PokerStars: 250
Cashouts Pending: 0
Expense Account: 0
Total Wealth: 4.25k
Today: Two tables of 25c 50c No Limit Holdem 6 max. 1000 hands max
Result: 640 hands
% Bankroll Increase: +5%
% Bankroll Decrease:
Money Won: +281
Money Spent: 0
Total Wealth: 4.53k

So a bad session filled with monster suckout and then a good one finally making 281, so only really up 31 dollars on the day. I took 60 dollars outta my savings account so that counts as money spend and I got over 500 online now and about 4k in the bank so I'm way far from 12k I need but ont he right track. I love this 2 tables of 6 max. I feel very stress free and am actually looking forward to working now cause I quit that damn swingy Heads Up bullshit. I am very good at 6 max and expect great things to come without dealing with these crazy swings. My bankroll is suffering right now but soon a fat check with be coming in the mail from pokerstars.

Hand of the day:
My hole cards: Ace 6 of diamonds I have 128 bucks on the table at 25c 50c 6 max NLH

I raise it to 2.50 in early position. One caller Zeeland Boy who has 181 bucks and is big stack at the table.

Flop: A 6 4 rainbow (3 different suites)
I bet 4 dollars, Zeeland boy flat calls. I am happy with my 2 pair to get action.
Turn: K, putting 2 hearts on the board of A 6 4 K
I bet 8 bucks he makes it 24, a raise of 16 more, I call.

River J of diamonds, a baord of A 6 4 K J, no flush possible.

I check, Zeeland boy bets 38 dollars. The timer almost out runs out and I fold. I muck 2 pair, putting him on a set of 4's or better 2 pair, like AK or AJ. He never shows his hand, but may eventually tell me if what he had at a later date. I think I made a nice laydown becuase we were the two big stacks and he had not gotten out of line against me all night. Whatta you think, good fold? Or how could I lay down aces up? Leave comments. Peace out, people, expect great things to come from 6 max cash from me. I promise, today was the fist of many great sessions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it was a a great fold,the way he raised you 16 on the turn pretty much said i have a good ace and I hit the King or I have tripped on the flop. good read frank!