Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yesterday's Catastrophe

Catastrophe is a strong word, it was more of a minor isolated incident but heres what happened when I played yesterday using my new organization method:

Bankroll: 4.55k
PokerStars 5% account: 250
Cashouts from online winnings: 0
Expense Account: 0
Total Wealth: 4.8k
Today: 2 tables of 25c 50c No Limit Holdem 6 max, 1 k hands. Heads up games are excluded from options.
Result: 671 hands
% Bankroll increase:
% Bankroll decrease?: - 5%
Money Won: - 250
Money Spent: 0
Total Wealth: 4.55k

I was actually doing really well the whole time and then I fucked it all up at the end. I was pissed at myself in a way but not really. I expect great things to come. I was up over 200 at one point and I think I had reached my goal in only like 500 hands. But I was confused over whether or I was actually suppossed to try to increase my 225 dollars, or 250 dollars, cause 225 was 5% of my bankroll but 250 was how much in my account. So I had exceeded 225 possibly but not over 250 for sure so I didn't stop and then played a few hands less than admirably to say the least. I took a crazy gamble with a flush draw that would of put me up over 300 for the day if it worked out, but did not and I wound up back to even. Broke soon after, very unprofessional, very donk like toward the end. If you see me tell me I suck please. The plan was to increase the bankroll by 5% or more, if you pass 5% you must play until you downswing back under 5%. You must stop after 1000 hands. or you must stop when you lose the 5%. Then a 24 hour exclusion. I did all that, I stopped after losing 250. By the way from now on 250 is saying in my account, which is a little over 5% its probly like 7% but whatever. When I get 5k back it'll be more sensible, but for now I'm sticking with 250 a day, increase by 250 or more, or lose 250. Thats that.
Anwyway I really love this new system and expect big things to come. I know it would of been nice to kick off the first day with a nice 200+ cash, but hey, whatta ya gonna do? No big deal, it was just 250. It's good to have a bad day and just lose 5% of your roll. I used to lose alot of money on a bad day, like maybe 500-800 and I can't afford that at all. So if bad days are me jsut dropping 250 I'm gonna be making a lot of dough, cause it's mostly good days. I expect great things to come of this new system, wait and see. I promise you results.

Let's look at how we shape up for today's game.

Bankroll: 4.3k
PokerStars: 250
Cashouts Pending: 0
Expense Account: 0
Total Wealth: 4.55k
Today: Two tables of 25c 50c 6 max No Limit Holdem. 1000 hands, 5% decrease,
or 5% increase or more. If 5% is exceeded you must stop after downswing
under 5% or 1000 hands. You have the option of stopping at 5% increase
even under 1000 hands, but only if your over 5%.
Result: Next Post.

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