Friday, July 11, 2008

Break Time Again

Whats up my people, I was going to start off this show by qouting in a totally inappropriate way that I wanted to have some consentual sexual relations with this girl who appears on a certain media outlet I frequently check out but then thought better of it. It's not totally impossible that we may cross paths or that this site might attract some public attention and she might find out I said it therefore nullifying any chance of us ever quantifying such relations together. Okay that was the first thing on my mind before I started writing, now that it's out of the way lets just say I'm rather relieved I have no way of playing online poker right now because I proceeded to donk off about 10% of my funds earlier today. I'm suppossed to abide by the 5% rule but until I have 12k saved up I gotta use the 10% rule, I can't play any lower stakes than I play and you gotta bring at least 500-600 bucks to a live 1,2 game. The other day after I got back from Altantic City an decided how ridiculous it was to just play online as a job I wanted to just cashout 1000 and stop playing but I only had like 400 or 500 on line so i decided to play a little more till I can cash out for a full G. I ran it up to over 1000 in the last few days but was only able to cash out for 620. The rest was lost in a series of bad beats and poor play. So it's not a total loss at least I have a check coming. So far I have recieved checks for 3 grand, 1 grand, got half a G on the way and also had over a G sent to my checking account months back. My total deposits(investment) does not exceed 1 and a half thousand. Do the math yourself, its a nice profit but took to much time. Anyway I definately do not plan on making another deposit anytime soon. But I am glad to say that I am now a winning online player based on what I've done here back home since I got back from my stint living in AC. I used to not be able to say that but now I am both a live and online poker up for thier career kind of guy. Did you know that 93% of online players are down? My profit is modest but a profit nonetheless. I have no desire to make another deposit anytime soon and my next money making move will involve me playing live for sure, rent is gonna kick my ass. I can still play the Sunday Million online for two more weeks because I have so many frequent player points, guess I'm not gonna get that porsche, and I only needed like 2,970,000 more.
I guess I have sugar coated today a bit, I definately should of just cashed out the 1,100 or so available if I knew I was gonna play like a doof, now just cashing out 600, unfortunate. Well at least now I know I'm ready for a move. And like I said if I have a bad day at the table it's gonna be on here. I'm not gonna only write when I do well. From now on I'm just going to say how much money I make every day that I write. If I drop a G in a day (never happenned but have come close once) you guys are going to hear about it. I know the video of me and Derek in AC was great and I was excited cause I'm up big, and a lot of these posts are all about me winning and there hasn't been to many about losing. But there are bad days every now and then. And I refuse to act like they don't happen. So I'm writing this one and I always will. Everday, how much won or lost, you can actually know how much money I make from now on. Hopefully this blog will lead to a big problem with me and the IRS.
Nevertheless I don't think I'll have a problem with giving out all this imformation, since I frequently pump out big cashes in Atantic City and don't plan on to much more online time (even though I am relatively successful online there is still a much greater chance of a Mike Matusow blowup)
So this whole thing is like a soap opera now, you can tune into Frank's Days each day and see how I am doing. I bet some of you sick people out there secretly hope I fall flat on my face and go broke. Either because your a cruel twisted person who would probly tell me to go fuck myself if you met me cause thats your way of compensating for your insecurity (everyone knows some of those kids) or maybe you wanna see me fail because you read this shit just for entertainment an drama or tragedy always makes the best stories. Come on guy Shakepeare was the man, enough said.
I hate to break it to you but worst case scenario I just go all year and then realize I coulda just drove a cement truck. And there is always best case scenario and reasonable expectation land where I am kind of living at right now which is pretty straight. Nevertheless leave me some comments or email me I want to hear from anyone reading.
Plan of action for tomorow: sell my car, steal the car my parents don't use and head somewhere I can make money without looking at a flickering box of shit all day. Peace out......


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the support dude greatly appreciated! Poker I hardly anything about even though I spent the whole of last year in school trying to learn the first few trys went well and then when you think you have the hang of it you loose so I went back to gin rummy. Good luck with it! Ill check back soon and if your posts suddenly stop I will know your living in a box :D.

Anonymous said...

Hey man, I'm subscribed to your blog and read your new posts as they come out. Keep 'em coming.
