Thursday, July 24, 2008

Quad 5's loses to Straight Flush

Feelin Like Starting A New One Now, I don't know why. That 300 hundo I had online has been wasted away by my recklessness and i have made a deposit and now sit at 250. Which works out nicely because thats about 5% of my bankroll. I actually ran up my stack to 7 hundo before crapping out like a doosh who has to tell everyone about it. It's not lost money though since i never made a deposit, and of my new deposit, I have what I started with. So not exactly making progress. It's a shame that I didn't just cashout my 7, that was almost a G, I have to get more organized so I can make this alternate future happen. If I continue at my current rate, I'm just getting by. I always say how it's an accomplishment that I only play poker for income and am not broke cause most people who would try it go broke real fast. I don't wanna say that, I wanna be making a lot more and stay really organized. From now on this blog is like my office I have to come here everyday and say the following:
Bankroll: 4.5k
PokerStars 5% account: 225
Cashouts from online winnings: 25
Expense Account: 0
Total Wealth: 4.75k
Goal: Increase bankroll by (x) percent. If my 5% or 225 is lost a 24
exclusion is in order. If you increase bankroll by 5% you must
play until you dip under your high point of 5% increase (225).
Regardless of your situation, after 1000 hands have been seen
a 24 hour exclusion is in order. Each day send winnins to cashout land.
Today: 2 tables of 25c 50c No Limit Holdem 6 max, 1 k hands.
Heads up games are excluded from options.
% Bankroll increase:
% Bankroll decrease?:
Money Won:
Money Spent:
Total Wealth:
This is organization baby. Everyday from now on. The fact that I had 7 hundo without deposting a dime has been screwed up makes me so disgusted that from now on this is how we do it. I will also be posting a picture of a different hot girl each day cause thats what this website is about, my two favorite things. Hot girls and poker. They are both love hate relationships. Which are somehow the best kind. You must really love something if you hate it but keep going back. On the day my pal Derick loses all his money, 300 or so in a cash game, holding four of a kind, losing to a straight flush I start this organization. It's a sign, that sick sick hand.

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