Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Future is not Predetermined

Here's a vision of the future: ---------->>>>>

This is my idea of the perfect living enviroment, it's a house or condo even, on the beach, or at least walking distance as you can see. Look at those fuckin legs Goddamn. Isn't it weird how even when ur saying a curseword you still capitalize Goddamn? Curse words are the most frowned upon words and only like more important words receive capitals, yet a curseword, the outcast gets capitalized cause it's has God in it. Thats an anomoly, or a paradox, just like time travel. Anyway theres a girl chillen on your porch looking up at the beach and then theres a strip of casinos, 10 minute drive down the road, just about how long it is to the beach walking. This is an imediate plausible idea. A condo next to the beach in the town over from Atlantic City. You got your place, your view, your hot blonde girl that chills, and your casinos where you make your money is right around the corner. This is what happens when you die and go to Heaven except no probe betting opponents.This is the future, that picture is a symbol of the future. The future is not predetermined you can make anything happen you want at any time. How do we make this future happen? Well, play good, really really good all the fuckin time. Or else in a matter of years I'm going to be to old and wish I had a time machine. You will always want a time machine to go back to younger days no matter how bad you think you have it off even though the days you look back and admire are days you also wish you could go back. So no time is better than right now.
I don't think time travel is possible because even if it was then the incident in which you went back in time or into the future would have still chronologically happened one after the other. So the first reality would still be technically after the reality when no one came back and changed reality. So there would be in fact two realitys that both exist but they still took turns happenning and were not simultaneous. If you know what I mean please comment, if you don't and you wanna make a joke mocking my blather please make sure it's actually funny.
I been thinking alot of time travel because during Batman is saw the trailer for Terminator 4, and guess what Batman himself is playing John Connor, now they can make another Terminator without Arnold, and people will still go see it. I can't stop thinking about this movie. I'm pretty sure I didn't play poker at all a few days ago cause i was watching so much Terminator shit on YouTube. You Tube is definately the website of choice if you were stranded on a Desert Island with only one url..... And I think you all can agree.

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