Sunday, July 27, 2008

They Call me Johnny Productive

Wow, a very productive day today, Saturday/Sunday (my sleep schedule is all over the place) Ive been periodically napping and playing poker all day and night. This new system of mine has been very very helpful and today was my best day yet. It really helps to know that I'm only going to be risking 250 bucks a day (5%) I am not stressed at all and bad beats are really not effecting me. The swings I take playing these 6 max no limit games on Pokerstars can never even come close to the swings of heads up, so I'm feeling extremely desenthesized to money and my A game has been there each session this week. I can't believe I wasn't doing this since April when I started online, I'd probly be up 7-10G as opposed to just 3 from online. Well better late than never. And to think, the whole reason I came back from AC was to build up the bankroll playing smaller stakes so I can go back to AC and play 1,2 more comfortably and really crush it. But I've really just been playing people Heads Up and even though its only 25c 50c, 50 max buy in heads up the swings along with my volatile playing style make it almost the same as a live 1,2 game where u can win or lose 500-800 in a night. Heads up is just craziness, its variance land, no matter how good you are it takes a long time for the skill to show, and your edge can be hard to exploit. This all leads to difficulty in maintaining the A game and therefore downswings, therefore less money, therefore questioning why you play poker for a living. I think I jsut loved playing Heads Up so much and I was more concerned with instant gratification as oppossed to making money ina a way, I don't know. But all that time heads up defeated the whole purpose of me even coming back home. What a tool I am, but not as big of a tool as you Rob.

Anyway I need to have losing swings of 250 bucks down at most, otherwise I'm risking a downswing. I was having bad days where I lost way to much money in Atantic City and it made it difficult to keep the snowball effect from happening. Same thing with heads up online. I am much happier now and don't see how my A game will leave me anytime soon. I may not even have to take as many breaks as I thought. And I really don't have as much hatred for online poker as I did. I really just hated heads up cash. I still like live poker better but online has it's advantages. So today has been great I played the goldstar freeroll tournament on pokerstars. This tournament has a huge prize pool and is free to enter for anyone with enough frequent player points. First place was a wopping 15 thousand dollars, not bad for a free entry ay? So I got through 5100 of the 5200 players and finished in 104th place. I only won 130 dollars, I really wanted final table money, but came up short.
As for the cash game, lets see, I was already up 130 for the day:
Bankroll: 4k
PokerStars: 660
Cashouts Pending: 0
Expense Account: 0
Total Wealth: 4.66k
Today: Two tables of 25c 50c No Limit Holdem 6 max. 1000 hands max
Result: 736 hands
% Bankroll Increase: +5%
% Bankroll Decrease:
Money Won: +260
Money Spent: 0
Total Wealth: 4.9k

My last 2 cash sessions I have reached my goal of a 5% bankroll increase. It's awsome and I expect things to continue this way for a while. I can't wait to send out for a nice big juicy check from poker stars baby! When I was playing heads up I always had this sick feeling in my stomach like I was risking everything. Now i just feel great, I usually can reach my goal of 250 profit is less than 800 hands. I'll have my 12k saved up soon enough and then am going to be making lots of money in AC. And possibly higher stakes online 6 max. Who knows, I just feel so confident and great right now. I'm glad I've finally woke up. So up 390 overall for the day. Here's the hand of the day:

My hole cards: J8 suited in spades (one of my favorite hands, made a straight flush at Taj Mahal)

I call a 2 dollar raise from Probe Better 1 who I had previosuly doubled up in the last hand. It was half my fault, half suckout. Anyway Player B to my left also called the 2 dollar raise. There is now about 8 dollars in the pot.

Flop: 9 spades 10 clubs 2 hearts
Probe Better 1 bets 6 dollars, I call with open ended straight draw hoping for a Q or 7 to bust this guy who most likely will not fold because he is a probe better, hence shitty player, hence unable to fold when he is beat. Player B also calls the 6. The pot is getting bigger.

Turn: 4 of spades

I now have a flush draw to go along with my striaght draw. Probe better bets a mere 8 dollars like an idiot who wants to give me a cheap price to outdraw him. I call the 8 happily and Player B folds.

River: Ace of spades
Bingo!!!!!!!!!!! I have z flush. He bets 8 again. Most people will raise 20 or 25 more here maybe less to make sure they get paid off. I don't really play like that. It depends on the player ofcourse, and bad players made bad calls. So I raise him is last 50, he calls right away and for a second I think he might have the KQ of spades and might actually have me. But no, he has pocket aces, the river gave him 3 of a kind and me a flush. I scoop a massive pot of like 200 dollars, making 100 profit in this 1 hand. And now sit with a 300 dollar stack at a 50 dollar table.

The lesson here is know your players, bet it all if the player is bad enough. Bad players made ridiculous bluffs and ridiculous bets that are not consistent with the pot size. They can have 5 dollars invested and all of a sudden risk 40 more when they don't have to. Always pay attention to pot sizes when making your decision. And when you know a player sucks, jsut bet it all, they ain't gonna fold. They make decisions based on what they hold and thats it. They don't think about all the other factors you should consider each hand. When you see a weakling at the table, exploit them by making ridiculously large bets relative to the pot. I'm out for now, expect more great cash sessions to come........

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