Tuesday, August 5, 2008

So Many Roadblocks

I found a sweet 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment 10-12 minutes from Atlantic City. Close to where I wanna be and not at all a ghetto. A real nice little town called Absecon so close to AC but so much nicer a place to live. And we would each have our own bathroom. However they're asking me for proof of work stubs so I can move in. I don't have that shit I don't work for the man. So I need a cosigner, and theres no way around it. No one wants to cosign for me because everyone has enough money problems themselves and they think I'm going there just to be a gambling addict and still fail to understand what professional poker is all about. No matter how many fucking times I explain it to them. These people want proof of work? How bout this here?

Franko's Lifetime Atlantic City Stats

+4557 total/ +4022 cash games/ +535 tournaments
198.5 total hours/ 193.5 cash game hours/ 5 tournament hours
cash game hourly rate: 21 an hour
total AC hourly rate: 23 an hour

Can I just show this to them? No, I guess not because theres no way of proving I didn't make this shit up. If you would like a more detailed stats page with results from each individual session just leave me a comment and I'd be happy to email you my entire stats page. The above is just the total sum. There were bad days and good but as you see over the course of time a professional poker player has a built in edge that just produces a profit. The same way a casino takes your money after enough time and the only way to come out ahead against the house is to get ahead and then stop. A professioanl poker player is a living breathing casino with a built in edge that takes your money after enough time and the only way to come out ahead against one is to get ahead early and then stop. If your considering becoming a professional poker player or at least taking it really seriously and making it a secondary income consider my stats above. You can't win one time and say you have an hourly rate. You can't win 2 times or 3 or 10 and say anything. Anything can happen in the short term, to really know whether or not you truly have an edge and you will be able to beat the game and make consistent imcome you must log a lot of hours at the table, and at the same stakes of course. I recommend at least 1 months time, or at least 150 hours of play before you can call yourself a winning player. Even at 6 hours per session this is still about a month of playing poker everyday. So after enough of a sample size, if your a losing or a break even player your not ready. And don't get a big ego after a solid week, have 200 hours logged like I do with a decent hourly rate and you can consider quitting your job. I really need to get back to AC and start making nice money again but there is all kinds of road blocks right now. First of all I can't seem to get this apartment cause of the work stubs bullshit. And my bankroll has shrunk considerably as you all know from last post. I'm suppossed to have a 12G bankroll to be playing 1,2 as I've talked about countless times. and I have like a quarter of what I should. And I have to use that money to buy other shit. All this will just lead me to being more stressed out upon taking bad beats and make it more difficult to maintain my A game day in and day out. This may lead to me having to get a job for a short period of time in AC, which is the last thing in the world I ever wanna do. But if my bankroll gets small enough I'm going to have to. Kill me God, just kill me.

I've just been back home being a fucking bum for since early April. I guess thats not entirely true because I was playing online and doing well for a period of time. The plan was to play online till I had a big enough bankroll to really handle living on my own in AC and playing everyday. But I fuct that all up cause I suck online. Now I'm trying to get back there with even less money than I had when I left. Theres so many problems right now. I got till late August to get some money together. Brian, my roomate from college is gonna be ready to move to AC by then. I gotta sell my car and I gotta put in some good hours online. I know I can make money online if I try. But whatever happens I know I can make a good hourly rate playing live in AC. I have proved it, so no matter what goes wrong I know I have a good job that is going to net me more than 20 an hour and possibly 30 or more. My hourly rate can increase a lot if I put in more consistent effort, it should be higher than it is. I had some days in AC where I just wasn't myself. There are some 1,2 pros that average up to 40 an hour. I know this is true cause my hourly rate from Borgata is over 35 an hour. Ofcourse I don't have enough of a sample size to really state that because I have played way less than 150-200 hours there. 63 hours to be exact. I don't care about that never start a sentence with a number rule, you understood what I meant so why do you care?

The plan is to have a 12k bankroll to play 1,2, risking 5% or 600 dollars a day. And then an expense account with a couple of thousand to use for spending money and to pay bills. When my I save enough money I will put it in my bankroll and move up in stakes. A 20k bankroll with an expense account on the side will allow me to play 2,5 No Limit, risking 1000 dollars a day. If I'm making over 20 an hour playing 1,2 at a rate of lets say 11 big blinds per hour. (For anyone who is a moron: the big blind is 2 dollars in a 1,2 game, which is what I play, the max buy in is usually 100 big blinds, which would be 200 dollars in a 1,2 game.) However in Atlantic City the 1,2 has a 300 dollar buy in, so you need 600 bucks, or 2 buy ins to bring to each game. So if you are a 2,5 player your going to buy in at 500 and bring 1000 to the game. Get it? Now if your averaging 11 big blinds per hour like I do at 1,2 but in a 2,5 game, how much are you making? 11 times 5 is 55. So if I win like I do at 1,2 I'm going to be making quite an hourly wage when I move up in the stakes. This is why I love poker so much and it is so exciting. I'm only 25 and can make this hourly rate at the smallest stake game in the casino, imagine what I'll be making in 5 years. Imagine your a 25 50 player, buying in for 5 grand at a time. If my big blind per hour rate dropped significantly due to the tougher competion I would still only have to average 1 big blind an hour to be making 50 an hour. If I won at the rate I win playing 1,2 at 25, 50 I would be making 550 an hour. Hilarious. Ridiculous. Unlikely. But a win rate of maybe 4 big blinds an hour sounds good to me at those stakes.
Yet again I find another poker proffesional with the same thoughts and feelings and frustrations as me. This kid is talking about all the same things I was writing about for a while: http://www.andrewrobl.com/blog/2008/07/17/playing-your-a-game-and-life-as-a-poker-robot-%e2%80%93/ read this shit. Very good stuff and expands uponmy thoughts on this matter.

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