Monday, October 6, 2008


Damn, things were looking real real good the last time I wrote. I informed everyone of my profitable week, and how I was inching close to getting a cheap place to live. Everything was smooth like butter. I also very much liked my 2 roomates.
However the second week began with me being stranded in Manhattan. This dooshbag potential roomate of mine, lets just call him dooshbag this whole time, never picked me up where he dropped me off and just left me there with no car. My car was still parked at the Borgata in Atlantic City. After about 38 calls to his phone and after I overstayed my welcome at my friends place into Monday morning, I took a bus back. I had been robbed and stranded in Manhattan. During the 1st week (profitable week) this dooshbag borrowed 600 dollars from me. He then lost it playing poker. I have already learned the don't let strangers borrow money rule. Because this other dooshbag named Alex Ruimy who I went to school with at Oneonta borrowed 400 from me and never payed it back. He was in no financial shape to borrow money but lied to me and said he was so I lent it to him because we had been friends for a while. Big mistake.
So I never let people borrow money after that. But Dooshbag potential roommate had been splitting motels with me all week, looking for apartments with me, talking about poker and playing as a job all week, was as gung ho about it as me. So on the last day of the first week I lent him some dough. No big deal, we will go to his house in New Jersey where he keeps his money and get it back on the way back from Manhattan.
That was the impression I had and that was where my mind was at the end of the last post. Turns out I was stranded instead and robbed never to hear from DOOSHBAG again. I spent mad money gettin back to AC, on top of the 600 I lost from being robbed. The lease was suppossed to be signed and I would be in my cheap place to live for like 300-400 a month. Instead I was alone again in AC one potential roommate backed out and went home. The other DOOSHBAG flat out robbed me and bounced. So now I'm back to square one, robbed of 600, and still nowhere to live and paying 40-50 a night on motels.
This DOOSHBAG contacts me Wednesday and says he lost his phone that night and had no way of contacting me cause my number was in his phone. He said insurance had just delivered him a new phone. I texted him that night and he was able to see my number and contacted me. If I hadn't texted him he would of never contacted me cause none of his numbers were in his new phone. So it turned out it was all a misunderstanding and said he would come to AC friday with my money and said how sorry he was about everything. I immediately called up everyone I told what happenned and informed them that I hadn't really been robbed and it was all just a big misunderstanding. They were all happy and so was I, but I still did not feel comfortable till DOOSHBAG got to AC. And I was still very tilted about wasting money on motels. My bankroll was shrinking even though I was still doing decently at poker. Fernando, the other roomate who is cool but backed out wasn't there so I had no one to split the rooms with, and everything that seemed all good the first week was now all fucked up. Murphy's law. I was so fucked. DOOSHBAG gave me his word he would be there with my money on Saturday at 1pm with my money. But he never showed up and never answered his phone again. I had a bad week at the tables where I practically broke even. Spent probly like 200 on rooms, and now I'm broke. All my profits from 2 weeks swallowed up by rooms (very expensive on weekends) food, miscellaneous and a robbery. I am now back home at my parents house, with like 23 dollars to my name. Everything I tried to get set up in AC all went to shit thanks to DOOSHBAG. On Saturday I couldn't ride out a dry run of cards and some horrible luck because I was so tilted from being robbed. I was unable to fight through the downswing and still make a profit like I did the 1st week. It was just to tough after DOOSHBAG failed to show up and robbed me. If things had worked out I'd have a cheap place to live, I'd be there right now, I'd have a bankroll still small, but growing. Instead DOOSHBAG committed an act of pure scum that led to a crazy turn of events that put me in a hole I couldn't get out of.
My name is George Costanza I'm 40 years old, unemployed and I live with my parents. Soon Frank, soon, lol.
Things always get fucked up in Atlantic City, I always make money but always seem to wind up regressing financially. Maybe it's not meant to be. I don't know, theres more to all of this but I choose not to get into it now. Peace out all, and don't worry, it's not the end of the world.

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