Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Yeah sure I got robbed, but its no ones fault but my own that I am broke and still at my parents house. Wow just writing this and picturing a girl reading it makes me ill. I must seem so unattractive without even meeting. Anyway yeah I got robbed but I had plenty of money for a while and I was foolish with it. So much more concerned with immediately gratifying my immediate desires as oppossed to making sacrifices that will benfit me in the longrun.
Don't blame poker, it's me. Don't dismiss poker as a gamble because of my lack of work ethic. I've made money playing live poker since I quit my my job, just didn't play enough hours, work enough days, make enough sacrifices, to much chillin. Don't blame poker, blame Frank. I've always been more chillin oriented as oppossed to working, my whole life.
Though I have worked hard and thought about poker alot and do strive to be the best player I can be. I did not play online to my full abilities, I screwed around to much. There was one solid month where I set aside hours to play and then played em, then quit. The other three months I often reraised some one just to mess with them, and just because I didn't feel like folding, and played in games I knew I shouldn't. I was and still am of capable of making money playing online. I think I'm going to give it another shot and record my hourly rate everyday.
When I was in AC I worked hard and played well 87% of the time. Should of been 100%. Online I played well like 55% of the time. I think since the time I quit my job I have broken even online or possibly profited close to 1000 dollars. Either way, its the same thing as making no money. Playing live I've in AC I have always had a good hourly rate, and for the most part worked very hard, but never got the affordable place to live. Now, broke. Looking like a fool to quit my job. Which was not a good job but got me the 7,500 dollars I had saved up in the first place.
I'm back at the rents house and am living for free. Only things I gotta buy is gas, fun money, etc. No rent at all, no spending on food, I hardly ever drink or smoke much. I can just bank everything now.
Even though I despise playing online, I'm going to try to concentrate on the fact that giving it my all, and churning out 1000-2000 hands a day to my full ability, along with not paying a dime to live, should warrant me a very quick way to bank a lot of dough.
If it doesn't work I'm just going to quit poker as a full time job. Your not really supposed to pursue poker as full career until you win something huge, or get a very very big bankroll. You should keep your job until your really financially stable. I definitely skipped that part and started off with an insufficient amount of money.
Well know, I will just have to deal with the fact that I hate playing online and let the hourly rate motivate me. I'll let you all know when I'm up and running. Till then, make known that I am happy to have gone broke in a way, cause know I see that we must all take responsibility for what happens. It's really no ones fault but me even though I was robbed. I want to have a better work ethic from now on. I will work really hard online, gonna report an hourly rate higher than what you make at your job for sure. Whether or not I do whats necessary to keep it that high is my test. Cause you all know I would of fucked it up in time. Not to bad luck, bad circumstances, or bad cards. Just bad work ethic. I'm gonna make it happen captain.

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