Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Martin Scorsece's CASINO

I understand that movie real well. I remember years ago at college leaving an away message on my aim that said 'I finally understand the movie Casino' couple of people wondered what I was talking about. Well shit, Casino is not about what typical Robert Deniro, Joe Pesci type gangster movies are about. It's actually kinda sad, well really sad when you really see what it's about. Obviously its about loving someone who doesn't love you back and never will. And you know it but you love this girl so much you just keep trying and trying to make her love you back. You kind of know it's never going to work but the amount of love you feel towards this girl is so strong you really see not other alternative. You just do everything in your power to get what you want and there is no quitting, she is priority number one because the feeling you get when your with her has you desperately hooked. You can't get that feeling anywhere else, you can't get it even at Home Depot. You can't call your dealer and pick some up. You can't hike up the Himalayas to some secret ruins with Indiana Jones to find it. You can only get it from her, period. If she leaves you, your done for, and your going to feel some serious withdrawal for a long time until your mind just sort of accepts the fact that she's gone.
In Casino, Robert Deniro is not really a gangster, he's a good guy. He just hangs out with gangsters because he is a professional gambler and he makes them money. But he is not like he is in Goodfellas, he is not an evil ruthless gangster at all in Casino. Joe Pesci is the same though. Anyway he has all this money cause he's running a Casino and he is so desperately in love with this lady, she flat out tells him she's not in love with him but it doesn't matter. He proceeds to ruin his life trying to make it work, when in the back of his mind he knew it never really would.

I'm watching it right now and I always watch it whenever its on no matter how many time I've seen it. It always reminds me of BBL. I understand why Deniro's character does everything he does in the movie. And even though I've seen this movie a million times I know if BBL ever came back I would not do the smart thing and remember what happens in Casino, I would just buy her everything she wanted like Deniro did with Sharon Stone in the movie. I've had conversations with BBL that mirror that of the movie, and I still would do everything Deniro does. I just don't care.

So next time you watch Casino remember whats it's really about. It's a very powerful movie, don't pay to much attention to all the gangster stuff. It's about that feeling that only the girl you love can give you and trying to keep that feeling with you no matter what. A feeling so strong I can watch the movie, learn the lesson, and I would still make all the mistakes Deniro makes because nothing is more important than that feeling.

I guess if your one of those guys who doesn't really even like his girl that much but is just with her cause he sees no other option and can't do better its hard for you to see what I'm saying. And if your one of those guys who truly loves his girl and doesn't want anyone else and feels the feeling I'm talking about, and it's mutual, good for you. Leave me a comment, I'd like to know how many people really have that. But if you have felt this feeling and your like Robert Deniro ins Casino, take comfort in the fact that you at least know what it's like to really be in love and your not one of those dooshbags who is with a girl just because he is settling for whatever he can get. If you settle for whatever reason your just gonna get divorced, and your gonna be miserable if you stay together, with miserable kids, cause they were conceived from two people who didn't really love eachother.

I don't know, I don't have the answers, I just know Casino is a great movie, because you know even though Deniro's whole life was ruined by this lady, there is no way he would ever regret what he did. He never says that in the end, but I know it. Trust me on this one.
Up to 170 online now, slowly building...........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poker is like that. You can lose every time you play and you know you will never be a winning player. Paycheck after paycheck ruining your life. Yet you keep coming back to play.

But I've been there with a girl as well. It does suck, but eventually you just gotta move on, you will eventually find the one for you.