Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Feelin Good

Well shit, another excellent day 4 tabling 25max 6handed cash games. I've had my most profitable day since I began playing these stakes, picking up 115 profit in under 4 hours. Yesterday I only played 500 hands and only made 40 bucks. I had to cut my session short when my long lost Polish friend Narska arrived into town. We all had to hang out. Thats one of the best things about being a poker player, the fact that I can choose when I work. Obviously I've abused the shit outta that privledge, but let's not go there right now. I sit at 479 online now, up big from last post. Lets see how things have progressed since I came back from Atlantic City robbed and broke in early October.

October 9th- 22 bucks online. Wow, 22 bucks, don't spend it all in one place.
October 12th- 96 bucks online.
October 14th- 170 bucks.
October 18th- 227 bucks
October 19th- 325 bucks
Today............ 479 smackers.

I'm making alot more per day now that I've got some breathing room. So should get a check sent within a week. Here's another graph of today's session. If you can't see it well just save it on your computer, and you can expand it. I can't figure out how to make it clear and big on a post. Don't forget to vote on this week's poll. Time is running out.

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