Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This is an updated graph of all my sessions 4tabling 25 max NLH. On the last graph you could see a breakeven stretch that lasted approximately 4000 hands. You can see it on this graph too ofcourse. But I am glad to see this update shows a recent upswing that really seperates me from that mediocre stretch. If you study the graph, hands 5,000 through 11,000 there was limited progress. This is what happens when you have one single bad day. I had that one session on October 24th where I played bad and impatient plus I had bad luck so it cost me big time. If I played well I coulda limited my losses, say to -50 as oppossed to -124 and my graph would have seen less fluctuation. And I'd be up more. Every session matters, luckily I've only played 1 really bad one. But it should be zero. This graph logs close to 13k hands. My next 13k hand stretch I will make more than 594 dollars, I promise.

Overall the graph is going up. So the graph is good. As long as it rises, my money rises. There are fluctuations, but it keeps rising. I'm now up to 822 online. When I have 1000 I'm going to start sending myself money. I'm going to never keep more than 1k online, everytime I get to 1,100 or more I'm going to send myself a check that will reduce my balance back to 1000. When I have 1500 to my name I'm moving up to 25c 50c NLH with a 50 max buy in. Maybe 1300, I don't know. But if you look at some posts from July, I was playing it in a rather defunked mental state and breaking even. But winning sessions were very profitable, over 250 bucks usually and that was only 2 tables at a time! So 4 tabling that is jsut around the corner. I am pumped, I wanna play right now but gonna play it safe and wait till I have over 1k minimum. The worst downswing I've had playing this 25 max over the last 10 days was -190. So I can expect the worst of maybe a -400 dollar downswing playing 1 stake higher (50 max). Even though my recent downswing or long breakeven stretch was not really bad luck or variance, it was because of that stupid session where I played horribly. If I played all 10 sessions with my A game as oppossed to 8.5 out of 10 I would have seen a downswing as bad as -75 the worsr. And I would be up close to 700 instead of 594. And I would be very very close to a G in my overall pokerstars account, instead of 822 bucks. And I would already have a check on the way. One bad day fucks everything up. Gotta bring the A game all day, everday. Peace out......

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