Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Craziness at the Tables

What a crazy rollercoaster ride of a poker session today. I have never experienced this kind of shit online without losing my mind. I think I'm almost as good at online as I am at live poker finally. I kept my cool all day no matter how grim things looked. I am now up to 626 online after a 147 dollar profit today. Damn was it tough, for the first thousand hands I couldn't seem to make any money and was floating between up 20 and down 60 for what seemed like forever. So I just kept playing, not wanting to quit the day without making money. I was not on tilt so I played alot, a total of 2000 hands spanning 5 hours. In the last quarter of my session I went on a sick run and destroyed 3 of the 4 tables I was at. Amassing stacks three times the size of my nearest rival tablemates. I had 140 bucks at one table, not bad for a 25 max buy in. That would be like having 1700 dollars in front of me in a live 1,2 game after buying in for 300.

In the first half of play I was almost even after a few hours and I made a queen high flush on river, my opponent checked to me on the river and since he was betting the whole way there was no way I could put him on a flush. So I moved in for 20 bucks, his whole stack. He hesitated and called to my delight. Then I saw he had a king high flush, devastating. How could he not bet his flush? I got coolered and it was looking like one of those days.

The hand that propelled me into the upswing was when I raised in early position with A5 diamonds. I got reraised by a player with a huge stack. I called for implied odds because if I happen to nail flop I'm gonna win a gigantic pot. So it cost me a measly 3 dollars to try and breka this guy with 90 bucks. The Flop comes A 5 7!!!!!!! 2 pair for me, I hoped he had AK. I check to him. He bets 5 bucks. I make it 16 to go to make it look like I was on a draw. I thought the hand was over because he likely held KK or QQ and the ace would scare him out. If I was extremely luck he would be holding AK or AQ and about to get screwed real bad. He moved all in on top of my raise. I was slighlty worried about a set of 777 but called. So we get it all in and a K on the turn was horrible, now if he had AK like I thought, which is the only hand he moves all in with after I raise, he has made a better 2 pair and sucked out on me. The river was a blank and he showed AQ. Phew, I win a monster pot. AQ really was the only other possibilty for him to take this line with. After that everything just came together.
It looks like viewers have leaned toward Kim Kardashian and Megan Fox on our hottest girl poll. KK leads by 1 vote over Fox. The others have not received much love. We will see who wins in a few days when the voting is done. I think Fox can make a comeback and win big like I did today. 626 online, continuing to rise...........

1 comment:

snarkybarm said...

Congrats bud, sounds like you had a good day overall. You definitely lucked out on that AQ v. A5 hand. But hey it pays to be a lucky donk! JK JK.

Looks like you are back on track and are you'll have a G before you know it. Nice pic today too, btw.