Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another AC Trip Report

Hey people, I'm chillin in Manhattan right now after a long AC trip in which I worked my ass off for 6 straight days, met 2 of my roomates, and inched very close to closing up the deal to rent out this huge house for the winter. I am going to meet with the owner tomorrow and try to sign the lease, I really wanna get moved in already. It's only 1000 a month for a 4 bedroom. We are in the process of getting a 4th roomate. I would like to get an asian kid cause we already have 1 white, 1 black, and 1 hispanic guy. After utilties it should only run us like 350 a month each. I spent like 200+ this past week on rooms, so once we get in there I'm gonna be really set up nicely.

Sunday/ Bally's/ 1,3 NLH/ 6.5 hours/ -106 started with 300 got up to 500 then lost my entire stack when my K10 made a boat on a board of 10 10 6 6 A, only to lose to 66 in the hole. Won almost all of it back, quit down a hundo.

Monday/ Borgata/ 1,2 NLH/ 9 hours/ -300 couldnt get anything going all day, lost a full buy in after bouncing around all day, was way to loose preflop, if I played perfectly and to full my ability coulda limited my losses to 100, my own fault

Tuesday/ Bally's/ 1,3 NLH/ 6 hours/ +585 my AA in the hole sees a board of A 9 4 9 10 which crushes some donk holding 600 dollars and 94 suited. I got every last dollar he had and that one hand propels me to a huge win.

Wednesday/ Bally's/ 1,3 NLH/ 2 hours/ +185 I play terribly and non focused and impatient, I cut myself off after 2 hours of shotty play lucky to be ahead. If I played well I would won 400 but payed off people in the beginning when I woulda easily folded in a normal mood.

Thursday/ Bally's/ 1,3 NLH/ 5.5 hours/ -133 Sucked out on all night. Lose a 200 dollar pot with JJ against AQ, no biggie not really a suckout. And lose another 200 dollar pot when my overpair calls a reraise all in from a shorter stack with 1 over and a flushdraw and inside straight draw. Not a huge favorite their either. Limit my losses to just 133 when I know a lesser player would dropped a whole buy in or more. Played well overall.

Friday/ Hilton/ 1,2 NLH/ 5.5 hours/ +578 Can't miss a flop all day and make a 6 hundo cash. Just destroyed and demoralized the table with my ridiculous amount of luck. Didn't suckout on anyone got all my money simply by extracting value with the best hand. Played really well and caught cards for a much need big win after a slow week.

Week total/ 6 days/ 34.5 hours/ +809 profit/ 23 dollars an hour

About equal to my lifetime AC hourly rate. However only have 400 more dollars than when I arrived. Can't wait to get moved in to this house. Gonna be saving so much money and on a week like this will still have roughly 600 of my profit as oppossed to 400. I think I should made 1000 this week if not for my shameful performance at Borgata on Monday. I am enjoying my time chillin in Manhattan and am pretty burnt out from so much poker.

Tomorrow gotta go back and meet up with this guy and get that lease signed. Peace out all.......

1 comment:

snarkybarm said...

Congrats on a successful week buddy. You definitely could have done better, but you're a calling station who would pay off a homeless bum if he had two cards in front of him ;) jk.

Good luck with the lease and the move. Catch up with you sometime soon.