Sunday, October 12, 2008

Damn I play well when I'm Broke

So that 22 bucks I had online the other day in which i conjured out of thin air has increased itself to 96 bucks. When I say conjure out of thin air I mean get money online without depositing. I played some free tournaments and made 10 bucks. Now I have 96. I am essentially freerolling because I can't lose anything since all my money has come from nothing.

Now that I basically have 100 bucks its not going to be difficult to get to 200. Then 500, then the ever satisfying 1k. I love k's, G's, thousands............ I wish I had 12k.

Theres no reason I can't turn my money online into many many thousand. As long as I keep working hard, stay off tilt, and practice responsible bankroll management I will do it. And since I am broke I'm going to pull it off. If I had money I'd probably play bad, or not play, but unfortunately I am broke as a joke. But I play really well when I'm broke. I need to find a way to somehow convince myself that I am broke when I have money.

I really admire someone like Kevin Garnett, or Kobe. These guys have have all the money in thr world and they play like they're broke, play like they're fighting to make the team, to get a contract. I wanna be more like that, I wanna work hard no matter what. But I've always been more concerned with chillin, than working. It's the way I've always been since I was little.

Well maybe going broke is a blessing in disguise, I now see that if I spend the rest of my life as a professional poker player who works hard only when he needs money. I should always be working my ass off, and you know, buy a house maybe.

I don't know, maybe I just had a hard time when I was home playing online. Maybe I couldn't concentrate from some outside circumstances. There was that one solid month where I set a goal to make 250 dollars each day and then stop. I can do it again. And there was that one solid week when I was playing 6max cash and then reporting on here how much I made and where my bankroll was at. I need to do all that again. I have to make sure I go in my room, shut the door, get everything out of my system that I already wanted to do that day, and just play a complete session, no screwing around.

This is why I wanted to get a place in AC so bad, cause it's more organized, I get up, get dressed, and go to the casino. It's more structured and organized and is like a real job. Helps me focus and make money. But anytime I've been there I've wasted so much money on miscellaneous and not having anywhere to live. Back home, I would play online, but easily distracted, and sometimes just playing inexcusably horrible. It's as if I have never had really good money banking conditions.

Well, its all lead to me going broke. It also didn't help that I would never stop spending through the ups and downs. Nevertheless I've always known that playing online, playing 4 tables of 6 max at a time is what I need to do. I can do it from home, where it costs me nothing to be, and can make more than I would in AC. Even though I dislike it I'm going to do it.

I'm going to take my 96 dollars and play 4 tables of 5c 10c, 10 dollars max cash games until I get my roll to like 300, then play 25max till I'm at 500, then play 50max, 4 tables like I was doing online not to long ago. Once I'm playing 4 tables of 50max, 25c 50c I should pull in a sick hourly rate.

As long as I stick to this game plan I will make money and not lose my bankroll. If i start screwing around with Heads Up games I will like lose my roll and have to start back at square one. Like I said, I'm broke, so expect me to do well. Peace out all, don't worry, online won't be for long, I'll be outta the rents house and back in AC soon enough, with my own place. Soon enough...............

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