Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sick! Sick sick sick sick sick.....

Wow what a rollercoaster ride. I was set over setted 2 times today. Both times I knew I was up against a set, and both times I put my chips in anyway. Why didn't I just fold? Cause I had a set!
The first hand this guy raises in early postion. I reraise with KK. He reraises back. I'm am now afraid I might be getting fucked here. Does this dude really have the one hand that can beat me?
The flop comes a King! Sweet I just sucked out on him even if he does have AA. He checks, I check. Turn comes an ace and I was not believing my eyes. He bets real small, and I raise, he instashoves all in. I say to myself, yep, he can't have ace king, he has to have AA in the hole. I couldn't believe that I received KK while some else had AA, then got lucky to catch a K on the flop, then an ace really had to come. So sick. So so sick. So I called his all in and sure enough he showed me pocket rockets. Good thing he didn't start the hand with a big stack. He only had like 13 bucks and I had 70 when the hand started.
Then I had a set of 333 and this fucker had 444. One a flop of A 3 4. The way he played his hand I was dead set he had trip 4's. Once again I don't fold and double him up as well. He only had like 21 bucks. So I lost over 30 bucks today on coolers.
I also got bluffed off my pocket Aces. This manic who plays under the name Annina310 was playing superloose and superaggressive. He and I were the chip leaders at our table. I raised with AA and the flop came J 3 Q. I bet pot, he calls. Turn comes J, pairing the board. I bet just under pot, he calls. River comes K. He moves all in for like 25 bucks. I deliberate and fold.I have AA in the hole on a board of J 3 Q J K. If he has 10 9 he has a straight. If he has a single J in his hand he also has me. I suspect a bluff is possible cause this guy Annina310 was such a loose cannon. But I fold. He shows me 10 3 suited. Nice bluff, props to him for bluffing the shit outta me.
Over all I make 97 bucks today. What a sick, sick day. So many sick hands. I won a huge pot off the guy who bluffed me today with a fullhouse against his trips. And I had AA vs KK and for once a K didn't hit. So I won some, lost some, but overall I made money, just like everyday. I am the man. Let's congratulate Frank who is now up over a G online. Sitting at 1044 on Pokerstars. You the man Frank. You the man. You were broke 2 weeks back and had a measly 10 bucks in your pokerstars account, now you have over a thousand. You are the man.
This is a graph of todays session, spanning about 1009 hands. It is not like the previous 2 graphs which show my overall progress, like 14k hands. This graph is just today's session. Look at all those swings, sick.....

1 comment:

PJ said...

Franko, I think we all know the lesson to be learned from this outing: to post more Josie Maran pictures.