Friday, October 31, 2008

Get out of jail free card

Like in monopoly. My friend Ben from college told me his uncle got pulled over going 100mph once and gave the cop a monopoly get out of jail free card. The cop laughed so hard he just couldn't help but let him off.
I used mine today and I have a feeling I'm not gonna get another one. I played pretty horribly today. Pretty inexcusably bad, yet I made money. Won close to 100 with a performance that shoulda cost me 100. This marks the second time since I began rebulding that I've slacked off. I subsituted my normal 4th table of 25 max for a fourth table of 50 max so I could start the transition slowly. My AA went up against KK once again but this time at a 50 max game so it was pretty sweet. Once again a K hit and I was in bad shape. This has been a recurring theme almost everyday I feel. I've already explained so many times this week how often I'm getting shafted in these spots. This time however, I managed to river a flush to make the nuts and won an 80 dollar pot. I only ended up 13 bucks at the one 50 max table I played. I got outplayed or maybe made good laydowns in a number of small pots to knock me back down. Picked up another 76 profit with my normal tables of 25 max I can't wait to move up. I'm sick of working so hard and only making 20/hour. Thats my hourly rate by the way. Not to shabby. It's about the same as playing live in AC, and I'm not spending so much money so I just gotta keep churning out good days and I'll have a lot of money in the bank. I'm up to 1,133 on Poker Stars. Gonna be increasing the bankroll at a much faster pace once I move up to 25c 50c. The transition is gonna take some time though. When I was palying today this guy with position on me kept reraising me preflop and I kept losing. It was as if he knew I hadn't played this high of stakes online recently and was reraising me with whatever he had just because he knew I wasn't in my comfort zone yet.
I hate that guy. I don't wanna hate him but I do. Poker just brings out these emotions in me. I'm still trying to become a Zen master who is free of normal human emotions but its so hard. I was watching the main event tonight and one of the guys who makes the final table was talking about his poker life. Says he just wants to win however much and then he can finally stop playing. Then he can finally have some money and be free and go to Tahiti and forget about all this. I found it interesting that he said 'and forget about all this'
I mean everyone can agree that we would all like to get so rich your set for life and just go to Tahiti and lay on the beach forever. But the way he said 'forget about all this' like his life playing poker and dealing with all the brutal swings is so horrible. Like once he finally has enough money he can finally stop......
I don't know. I kind of feel the same way. I've got to keep going. I need to get enough money to at least play something big enough that could help me just retire. Cause thats what I really want. To be retired, rich, set for life. Freedom. Imagine just playing to have fun, and not cause you need money. I hate to admit it but I jsut wanna be rich, thats why I play. If you have a job it's secure yeah, and you got that steady paycheck. But you also secure the fact that you'll always be working. Yeah your always gonna be secure but your always gonna be working. You never really give yourself that chance to get what you really want.
What do we all really want? To be set for life and never do anything but travel and spend money. I may never get there playing but I got a chance. Thats more than those with a more 'steady' profession can say.
It's hard to say I really really love what I do though. I just love the fact that I might get what we all really want and most will never even try. You might think I'm crazy. You might not at all and just be really pissed you impregnated your girlfriend. Now you dont even have a choice, you can't take chances you got other people besides yourself to worry about. I don't know. I just wanna be not here in Mahopac. But if I keep churning out sessions like I've been, I'll be moved out in no time. Gotta definitely consider moving up stakes soon. I give myself a week.
Check out how sick my session went today, way more swings than my normal session, I really didn't play my A game at all. I really got bailed out. This graph is 1,023 hands, 973 of them at 25 max, 5o hands at 50 max. 89 bucks profit. Remmber the black line in the middle is the break even mark. Anything below it means I'm down.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sick! Sick sick sick sick sick.....

Wow what a rollercoaster ride. I was set over setted 2 times today. Both times I knew I was up against a set, and both times I put my chips in anyway. Why didn't I just fold? Cause I had a set!
The first hand this guy raises in early postion. I reraise with KK. He reraises back. I'm am now afraid I might be getting fucked here. Does this dude really have the one hand that can beat me?
The flop comes a King! Sweet I just sucked out on him even if he does have AA. He checks, I check. Turn comes an ace and I was not believing my eyes. He bets real small, and I raise, he instashoves all in. I say to myself, yep, he can't have ace king, he has to have AA in the hole. I couldn't believe that I received KK while some else had AA, then got lucky to catch a K on the flop, then an ace really had to come. So sick. So so sick. So I called his all in and sure enough he showed me pocket rockets. Good thing he didn't start the hand with a big stack. He only had like 13 bucks and I had 70 when the hand started.
Then I had a set of 333 and this fucker had 444. One a flop of A 3 4. The way he played his hand I was dead set he had trip 4's. Once again I don't fold and double him up as well. He only had like 21 bucks. So I lost over 30 bucks today on coolers.
I also got bluffed off my pocket Aces. This manic who plays under the name Annina310 was playing superloose and superaggressive. He and I were the chip leaders at our table. I raised with AA and the flop came J 3 Q. I bet pot, he calls. Turn comes J, pairing the board. I bet just under pot, he calls. River comes K. He moves all in for like 25 bucks. I deliberate and fold.I have AA in the hole on a board of J 3 Q J K. If he has 10 9 he has a straight. If he has a single J in his hand he also has me. I suspect a bluff is possible cause this guy Annina310 was such a loose cannon. But I fold. He shows me 10 3 suited. Nice bluff, props to him for bluffing the shit outta me.
Over all I make 97 bucks today. What a sick, sick day. So many sick hands. I won a huge pot off the guy who bluffed me today with a fullhouse against his trips. And I had AA vs KK and for once a K didn't hit. So I won some, lost some, but overall I made money, just like everyday. I am the man. Let's congratulate Frank who is now up over a G online. Sitting at 1044 on Pokerstars. You the man Frank. You the man. You were broke 2 weeks back and had a measly 10 bucks in your pokerstars account, now you have over a thousand. You are the man.
This is a graph of todays session, spanning about 1009 hands. It is not like the previous 2 graphs which show my overall progress, like 14k hands. This graph is just today's session. Look at all those swings, sick.....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This is an updated graph of all my sessions 4tabling 25 max NLH. On the last graph you could see a breakeven stretch that lasted approximately 4000 hands. You can see it on this graph too ofcourse. But I am glad to see this update shows a recent upswing that really seperates me from that mediocre stretch. If you study the graph, hands 5,000 through 11,000 there was limited progress. This is what happens when you have one single bad day. I had that one session on October 24th where I played bad and impatient plus I had bad luck so it cost me big time. If I played well I coulda limited my losses, say to -50 as oppossed to -124 and my graph would have seen less fluctuation. And I'd be up more. Every session matters, luckily I've only played 1 really bad one. But it should be zero. This graph logs close to 13k hands. My next 13k hand stretch I will make more than 594 dollars, I promise.

Overall the graph is going up. So the graph is good. As long as it rises, my money rises. There are fluctuations, but it keeps rising. I'm now up to 822 online. When I have 1000 I'm going to start sending myself money. I'm going to never keep more than 1k online, everytime I get to 1,100 or more I'm going to send myself a check that will reduce my balance back to 1000. When I have 1500 to my name I'm moving up to 25c 50c NLH with a 50 max buy in. Maybe 1300, I don't know. But if you look at some posts from July, I was playing it in a rather defunked mental state and breaking even. But winning sessions were very profitable, over 250 bucks usually and that was only 2 tables at a time! So 4 tabling that is jsut around the corner. I am pumped, I wanna play right now but gonna play it safe and wait till I have over 1k minimum. The worst downswing I've had playing this 25 max over the last 10 days was -190. So I can expect the worst of maybe a -400 dollar downswing playing 1 stake higher (50 max). Even though my recent downswing or long breakeven stretch was not really bad luck or variance, it was because of that stupid session where I played horribly. If I played all 10 sessions with my A game as oppossed to 8.5 out of 10 I would have seen a downswing as bad as -75 the worsr. And I would be up close to 700 instead of 594. And I would be very very close to a G in my overall pokerstars account, instead of 822 bucks. And I would already have a check on the way. One bad day fucks everything up. Gotta bring the A game all day, everday. Peace out......

Sunday, October 26, 2008





Kim Kardashian outfoxes Megan, making a late push to overtake the lead after trailing for 5 days by a couple of votes. No love for Jamie King who looks really hot in her post, (Martin Scorseces Casino, 10/14) and no love for Lauren Conrad or Rachel Bilson. Just 1 for Kristen Bell my personal choice. Sophia Bush also only got 1 vote and so did Lindsey Lohan. Most of the votes were spread between the two main candidates. I did not vote for our winner cause she reminds of someone I used to know.

This is not a clever way to make a political statement. I don't care whether or not you vote this Novemeber, nor do I care who you vote for or who wins. Peace to all and muchos respect for whatever your opinion is. I'm not one to get into an argument over all this political mumbo jumbo. No one really knows what goes on and people only know they are told. So the only way to truly be intelligent is to refrain and just respect everyones beliefs.

Next time, possibly within a few days I will post video for the next poll. It will be of a new rapping sensation hitting the underground freestyle scene. You will vote on whether his freestyle skills are A) Wack B) Not to good C) Decent D) Not to shabby or E) Oh my God so sick

There is mad street credit for this up and coming rapper, who supposedly has some pretty sweet ryhmes.
He is know only as 'The Bat'....................

Up to 743 online, slowly growing. At my current rate 4 tabling 25max I should have 12k in approximately 7 months.

Burnt Out

My last post was 4 days ago and I was sitting at 626 online. I just finished a session and made 60 or so. I'm actually only up to 704 online. Thats not a lot of progress since last post, but I am still happy about how things are going. October 9th, 2 weeks back I had no money to my name anywhere. Now I have built a 7 hundo bankroll from scratch. I am at least proud of that. But I am burnt out and shot and progress is slowing up. I need some rest and I'll win faster.

I have been managing my money online very well. The worst downswing I've had was 120 dollars, it's been most upward progress. Poker tracker can't record tourneys for some reason. My graph is pretty solid however I would like to see now downswings at all. But you can't expect no downswings at all, a few minor ones have to happen. As long as that big one where you go on tilt and destroy your whole bankroll does not happen. I've been keeping my mindset very sharp and its enabling me to keep control over my roll and not play in a mental state that will cause a big downswing.

Right now I am a better poker player than I have ever been in my life. I'm happy that everything up to this point has happenned, cause its made me the player I am right now. The graph that really matters is what I've done since I've had the bankroll to play 4 tables of 25max NLH. The cash games I had to play while I still had no money to work with were not as profitable as whats on the following graph, all my sessions 4tabling 25max NLH:

Anyway I'm making like 16 an hour. I've played on bad session where I was the old online Frank. But for the most part I've been doing my best. The one bad session cost me like 120 bucks. It would of still been a losing session even If I played good but I could have only lost like 60. My pocket aces have gotten it all in vs pocket kings twice in the last 3 sessions and both times a K has hit the turn. Running sickly bad I am. But still getting through it. I can't wait to start playing 50max NLH and show a graph of that shit. Michelle Monaghan is fuckin hot.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Craziness at the Tables

What a crazy rollercoaster ride of a poker session today. I have never experienced this kind of shit online without losing my mind. I think I'm almost as good at online as I am at live poker finally. I kept my cool all day no matter how grim things looked. I am now up to 626 online after a 147 dollar profit today. Damn was it tough, for the first thousand hands I couldn't seem to make any money and was floating between up 20 and down 60 for what seemed like forever. So I just kept playing, not wanting to quit the day without making money. I was not on tilt so I played alot, a total of 2000 hands spanning 5 hours. In the last quarter of my session I went on a sick run and destroyed 3 of the 4 tables I was at. Amassing stacks three times the size of my nearest rival tablemates. I had 140 bucks at one table, not bad for a 25 max buy in. That would be like having 1700 dollars in front of me in a live 1,2 game after buying in for 300.

In the first half of play I was almost even after a few hours and I made a queen high flush on river, my opponent checked to me on the river and since he was betting the whole way there was no way I could put him on a flush. So I moved in for 20 bucks, his whole stack. He hesitated and called to my delight. Then I saw he had a king high flush, devastating. How could he not bet his flush? I got coolered and it was looking like one of those days.

The hand that propelled me into the upswing was when I raised in early position with A5 diamonds. I got reraised by a player with a huge stack. I called for implied odds because if I happen to nail flop I'm gonna win a gigantic pot. So it cost me a measly 3 dollars to try and breka this guy with 90 bucks. The Flop comes A 5 7!!!!!!! 2 pair for me, I hoped he had AK. I check to him. He bets 5 bucks. I make it 16 to go to make it look like I was on a draw. I thought the hand was over because he likely held KK or QQ and the ace would scare him out. If I was extremely luck he would be holding AK or AQ and about to get screwed real bad. He moved all in on top of my raise. I was slighlty worried about a set of 777 but called. So we get it all in and a K on the turn was horrible, now if he had AK like I thought, which is the only hand he moves all in with after I raise, he has made a better 2 pair and sucked out on me. The river was a blank and he showed AQ. Phew, I win a monster pot. AQ really was the only other possibilty for him to take this line with. After that everything just came together.
It looks like viewers have leaned toward Kim Kardashian and Megan Fox on our hottest girl poll. KK leads by 1 vote over Fox. The others have not received much love. We will see who wins in a few days when the voting is done. I think Fox can make a comeback and win big like I did today. 626 online, continuing to rise...........

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Feelin Good

Well shit, another excellent day 4 tabling 25max 6handed cash games. I've had my most profitable day since I began playing these stakes, picking up 115 profit in under 4 hours. Yesterday I only played 500 hands and only made 40 bucks. I had to cut my session short when my long lost Polish friend Narska arrived into town. We all had to hang out. Thats one of the best things about being a poker player, the fact that I can choose when I work. Obviously I've abused the shit outta that privledge, but let's not go there right now. I sit at 479 online now, up big from last post. Lets see how things have progressed since I came back from Atlantic City robbed and broke in early October.

October 9th- 22 bucks online. Wow, 22 bucks, don't spend it all in one place.
October 12th- 96 bucks online.
October 14th- 170 bucks.
October 18th- 227 bucks
October 19th- 325 bucks
Today............ 479 smackers.

I'm making alot more per day now that I've got some breathing room. So should get a check sent within a week. Here's another graph of today's session. If you can't see it well just save it on your computer, and you can expand it. I can't figure out how to make it clear and big on a post. Don't forget to vote on this week's poll. Time is running out.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back in Business

Well I believe last time I posted I was up to 227 online. Today I had around 250 after winning a sit and go. I was chip leader in a HORSE tournament and then missed cashing by 10 spots. 180 people entered and I was in really good shape and should have took it down for a 550 dollar first prize. It was a small buy in tournament but somehow I managed to lose my big stack and finish in like 35th. I was tired I think, and might of gotten a little Scotty Ngyuen syndrome going. Sucked. That was yesterday, today I decided to just play 4 tables of 25max No Limit cause I had 250 in my account and had about 10 buy ins. I played a 1000 hand session like I'm supposed to and like I was doing back when I was reporting here and doing a hand of the day and all that. I made about 78 bucks over 1005 hands, and 3 hours. About 28 an hour, and now have 325 in my account. So I've come a long way since I started building a bankroll with a measly 10 bucks a week ago.
Now that I have enough money to 4 table 25 max it should be relatively easy to make larger chunks of money at a time like I did today. So it did take a week to turn 10 into 300+, but you know how it is, you gotta have money to make money. So now that I have something to work with I should get to a G relatively soon, maybe a week. Here is a graph of how my session went. If you can't see it clearly let me explain. The green line rising is basically my winnings rising, and falling is me losing. The left side says money won, the bottom says hands played. The money ranges from -1 (down 1 buck) which was my low point in the beginning, and up 109 which was my high point. The hands range from 1 to 1005. Understand? There are fluctuations, but over time good poker players come out ahead.I was up over a 100 bucks at one point, but finished up only 78. I made one big mistake when my QQ saw a board of 478 and my opponent held 44. I bet big on the flop and he minraised. My first instinct was to fold but I didn't and put the dude all in. He snap called rightfully so with his set. The guy had a big stack and I wound up losing 40+ dollars on that hand. As you see in the graph, the large descending dip at hand 640. Most people go broke with an overpair on that board, and would tell me there was nothing I could do. I am not most people and should have been more careful against a player with a stack that could break me. I am still very dissapointed about the hand. I would of easily made 100 bucks today if not for that foul up. The way my opponent minraised me on the flop just exuded so much strength. I knew I shoulda mucked it even though I held a strong hand. I am so upset with myself.

Either way, 28 an hour ain't to shabby. Tomorrow is Monday so I'm gonna work alot. Mon-Fri I'm gonna try to play 2 different 1,000 hand sessions of what I did today. Should make 600-1000 bucks this week. Just stay off tilt and work hard. I'll have a check sent soon. I'm feeling really good about how I'm playing. Thank God I finally have enough money to play these cash games. 325 online, next stop 500, oh yeah, don't forget to vote on this week's poll, peace out.....

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Staying off Tilt

Hard work, it's really the only way to make money. I'll admit that in college what first attracted to me to poker was the idea that you could make money just sitting in a chair. I would soon findout that this really is not the case. Suceeding at poker is harder than anything I've ever had to do. I've somewhat made myself numb to emotion in order to be able to deal with the swings. Everything that makes you human makes you bad at poker. To be good you have to train your mind to unlearn what it is biologically made to do. You have to become a cold calculating machine, that does not feel pain, boredom, or frustration. A computer that only makes the right move all the time regardless of short term results.

I have to keep working hard now cause I'm broke. Last post I said that I went broke from not working hard enough. This is true in a way but there is also another side to it. I did play a lot online, it's not like I didn't put hours in. I just did not do well because I hate to admit but I would tilt online sometimes. And ofcourse I always played well live, but you know all the complications of being in AC.
My last post I reported I had gotten my online bankroll up to 170. Well today I am up to 227. Yesterday I dropped down to 100 from 170. It was terrible as I experienced my first tilted session since I conjured 10 bucks from nothing and began building an online bankroll from scratch. You work so hard to book a win, to make money playing. You bust your ass so much just to gain ever little inch. And then you slack off for 2 seconds, or 1 session and you lose what you make in 3 sessions of fighting, scratching and clawing for every inch you gain. Yo fuck around at all and you can lose so much. It's so much easier to drop a G than to make one, I can't even explain to you how sick it is.

It's like when your in school and you pass every class, no credit is really given to anyone, your just doing what is expected of you and life goes on. But you fail one class and your a fuckup.

Anyway being on tilt yesterday reminded me of what it was like when I used to play online. I see now that it was a combination of laziness and lack of tilt control. Yeah I suck. Let's just come out and say it. I fuckin suck at online poker. There I said it, next time you see me tell me I'm a fuckin joke and I should just do something else with my life because I'm wasting my time. I obvioucly have no control over my emtions. I'm a mess and thats why I'm broke. I did 2 days worth of posts claiming it was laziness. Bullshit sonny, I just am a tilted mess who sucks online.

Now lets look at the skill attributes you would give to a basketball player like in a video game. Let's say Micheal Jordan for example.

Shooting- A
Rebounding- B
Defense- A
Speed- A
Jump- A

Now a poker player, lets see, the 5 crucial attributes, rating Frank Carlino:

Reading Opponents: A
Game Knowledge: A
Patience: B

I guess for Live Poker it would be the same except with a B on tilt control. But recently my online progress has been going rather well. I've been staying off tilt for the most part. I've been looking after my bankroll very painstakingly and choosing the right games that will keep my bankroll growing. I made one mistake yesterday and dropped down to 100 bucks from 170. However today I've gotten my money back up to 227. So i sit at 227 now, tomorrow I will attempt to get over 300 and then I'll be ready to play 4 tables of 25 max NLH and really rake in some dough. Should get to 1k rather quickly doing that. Then I'll get some frigen money finally sent to me. Not to much though, I realize now that I really don't need to have money on me. I just spend foolishly. In the future I'm going to just keep all my money online and maybe send myself checks for just 100 bucks at a time. When I have thousands and thousands online I'll consider an alternative spending lifestyle but for now all I care about is building a bankroll.

Well anyway, the goal is to stay off tilt like I've been doing to turn my 10 measly bucks to over 200. My 200 will be 1k as long as I stay off tilt. Just play online like I do live. I truly believe my game is better than anyone's when I'm on my game. Onviously the player who stays on his game all the time is the best, so I'm not the best. But if I can stay on my game I know no one in this entire fucking world plays No Limit Holdem better than me. I've never seen anyone that can call out people's exact hole cards with the same frequency and preciseness as I do. I play online and just call out people's cards like 77 times a day. It's so easy. No one is ever there to witness it and it pisses me off. I'm going to see if I can make a video of me playing online and post it on here. it will be very entertaining to watch someone call out this many people's exact cards. Your going to think it's all a setup and people have told me secretly what they had. That's how fuckin crazy good I am at calling out people's hands.

Anyway, next post hopefully I'll have like 400 or so bucks and in week, a G. The sky is the limit as long as I stay off tilt. No one can stop me but me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Martin Scorsece's CASINO

I understand that movie real well. I remember years ago at college leaving an away message on my aim that said 'I finally understand the movie Casino' couple of people wondered what I was talking about. Well shit, Casino is not about what typical Robert Deniro, Joe Pesci type gangster movies are about. It's actually kinda sad, well really sad when you really see what it's about. Obviously its about loving someone who doesn't love you back and never will. And you know it but you love this girl so much you just keep trying and trying to make her love you back. You kind of know it's never going to work but the amount of love you feel towards this girl is so strong you really see not other alternative. You just do everything in your power to get what you want and there is no quitting, she is priority number one because the feeling you get when your with her has you desperately hooked. You can't get that feeling anywhere else, you can't get it even at Home Depot. You can't call your dealer and pick some up. You can't hike up the Himalayas to some secret ruins with Indiana Jones to find it. You can only get it from her, period. If she leaves you, your done for, and your going to feel some serious withdrawal for a long time until your mind just sort of accepts the fact that she's gone.
In Casino, Robert Deniro is not really a gangster, he's a good guy. He just hangs out with gangsters because he is a professional gambler and he makes them money. But he is not like he is in Goodfellas, he is not an evil ruthless gangster at all in Casino. Joe Pesci is the same though. Anyway he has all this money cause he's running a Casino and he is so desperately in love with this lady, she flat out tells him she's not in love with him but it doesn't matter. He proceeds to ruin his life trying to make it work, when in the back of his mind he knew it never really would.

I'm watching it right now and I always watch it whenever its on no matter how many time I've seen it. It always reminds me of BBL. I understand why Deniro's character does everything he does in the movie. And even though I've seen this movie a million times I know if BBL ever came back I would not do the smart thing and remember what happens in Casino, I would just buy her everything she wanted like Deniro did with Sharon Stone in the movie. I've had conversations with BBL that mirror that of the movie, and I still would do everything Deniro does. I just don't care.

So next time you watch Casino remember whats it's really about. It's a very powerful movie, don't pay to much attention to all the gangster stuff. It's about that feeling that only the girl you love can give you and trying to keep that feeling with you no matter what. A feeling so strong I can watch the movie, learn the lesson, and I would still make all the mistakes Deniro makes because nothing is more important than that feeling.

I guess if your one of those guys who doesn't really even like his girl that much but is just with her cause he sees no other option and can't do better its hard for you to see what I'm saying. And if your one of those guys who truly loves his girl and doesn't want anyone else and feels the feeling I'm talking about, and it's mutual, good for you. Leave me a comment, I'd like to know how many people really have that. But if you have felt this feeling and your like Robert Deniro ins Casino, take comfort in the fact that you at least know what it's like to really be in love and your not one of those dooshbags who is with a girl just because he is settling for whatever he can get. If you settle for whatever reason your just gonna get divorced, and your gonna be miserable if you stay together, with miserable kids, cause they were conceived from two people who didn't really love eachother.

I don't know, I don't have the answers, I just know Casino is a great movie, because you know even though Deniro's whole life was ruined by this lady, there is no way he would ever regret what he did. He never says that in the end, but I know it. Trust me on this one.
Up to 170 online now, slowly building...........

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Damn I play well when I'm Broke

So that 22 bucks I had online the other day in which i conjured out of thin air has increased itself to 96 bucks. When I say conjure out of thin air I mean get money online without depositing. I played some free tournaments and made 10 bucks. Now I have 96. I am essentially freerolling because I can't lose anything since all my money has come from nothing.

Now that I basically have 100 bucks its not going to be difficult to get to 200. Then 500, then the ever satisfying 1k. I love k's, G's, thousands............ I wish I had 12k.

Theres no reason I can't turn my money online into many many thousand. As long as I keep working hard, stay off tilt, and practice responsible bankroll management I will do it. And since I am broke I'm going to pull it off. If I had money I'd probably play bad, or not play, but unfortunately I am broke as a joke. But I play really well when I'm broke. I need to find a way to somehow convince myself that I am broke when I have money.

I really admire someone like Kevin Garnett, or Kobe. These guys have have all the money in thr world and they play like they're broke, play like they're fighting to make the team, to get a contract. I wanna be more like that, I wanna work hard no matter what. But I've always been more concerned with chillin, than working. It's the way I've always been since I was little.

Well maybe going broke is a blessing in disguise, I now see that if I spend the rest of my life as a professional poker player who works hard only when he needs money. I should always be working my ass off, and you know, buy a house maybe.

I don't know, maybe I just had a hard time when I was home playing online. Maybe I couldn't concentrate from some outside circumstances. There was that one solid month where I set a goal to make 250 dollars each day and then stop. I can do it again. And there was that one solid week when I was playing 6max cash and then reporting on here how much I made and where my bankroll was at. I need to do all that again. I have to make sure I go in my room, shut the door, get everything out of my system that I already wanted to do that day, and just play a complete session, no screwing around.

This is why I wanted to get a place in AC so bad, cause it's more organized, I get up, get dressed, and go to the casino. It's more structured and organized and is like a real job. Helps me focus and make money. But anytime I've been there I've wasted so much money on miscellaneous and not having anywhere to live. Back home, I would play online, but easily distracted, and sometimes just playing inexcusably horrible. It's as if I have never had really good money banking conditions.

Well, its all lead to me going broke. It also didn't help that I would never stop spending through the ups and downs. Nevertheless I've always known that playing online, playing 4 tables of 6 max at a time is what I need to do. I can do it from home, where it costs me nothing to be, and can make more than I would in AC. Even though I dislike it I'm going to do it.

I'm going to take my 96 dollars and play 4 tables of 5c 10c, 10 dollars max cash games until I get my roll to like 300, then play 25max till I'm at 500, then play 50max, 4 tables like I was doing online not to long ago. Once I'm playing 4 tables of 50max, 25c 50c I should pull in a sick hourly rate.

As long as I stick to this game plan I will make money and not lose my bankroll. If i start screwing around with Heads Up games I will like lose my roll and have to start back at square one. Like I said, I'm broke, so expect me to do well. Peace out all, don't worry, online won't be for long, I'll be outta the rents house and back in AC soon enough, with my own place. Soon enough...............

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Possibly Pilsner Girls for Future Posts:

Leighton Meester
Blake Lively
Anne Hathaway
Vida Guerrera
Kim Kardashian with better assets focus
Jamie King
Marisa Miller
Erica Schoenberg

Suggestions? Leave a comment and I'll post any girl who meets my approval.

Suggested Readings: The Most intriguing posts from each month:

September: Ascending Towards Complete Harmony, Sep 10

August: So Many Roadblocks, Aug 5

July: Insanity Evaluation, 11th and To Understand.... 17th

June: Running Bad, 28th

I played some freqeunt player points Tournaments online and now have 22 bucks to my name, lol, next stop 100.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Yeah sure I got robbed, but its no ones fault but my own that I am broke and still at my parents house. Wow just writing this and picturing a girl reading it makes me ill. I must seem so unattractive without even meeting. Anyway yeah I got robbed but I had plenty of money for a while and I was foolish with it. So much more concerned with immediately gratifying my immediate desires as oppossed to making sacrifices that will benfit me in the longrun.
Don't blame poker, it's me. Don't dismiss poker as a gamble because of my lack of work ethic. I've made money playing live poker since I quit my my job, just didn't play enough hours, work enough days, make enough sacrifices, to much chillin. Don't blame poker, blame Frank. I've always been more chillin oriented as oppossed to working, my whole life.
Though I have worked hard and thought about poker alot and do strive to be the best player I can be. I did not play online to my full abilities, I screwed around to much. There was one solid month where I set aside hours to play and then played em, then quit. The other three months I often reraised some one just to mess with them, and just because I didn't feel like folding, and played in games I knew I shouldn't. I was and still am of capable of making money playing online. I think I'm going to give it another shot and record my hourly rate everyday.
When I was in AC I worked hard and played well 87% of the time. Should of been 100%. Online I played well like 55% of the time. I think since the time I quit my job I have broken even online or possibly profited close to 1000 dollars. Either way, its the same thing as making no money. Playing live I've in AC I have always had a good hourly rate, and for the most part worked very hard, but never got the affordable place to live. Now, broke. Looking like a fool to quit my job. Which was not a good job but got me the 7,500 dollars I had saved up in the first place.
I'm back at the rents house and am living for free. Only things I gotta buy is gas, fun money, etc. No rent at all, no spending on food, I hardly ever drink or smoke much. I can just bank everything now.
Even though I despise playing online, I'm going to try to concentrate on the fact that giving it my all, and churning out 1000-2000 hands a day to my full ability, along with not paying a dime to live, should warrant me a very quick way to bank a lot of dough.
If it doesn't work I'm just going to quit poker as a full time job. Your not really supposed to pursue poker as full career until you win something huge, or get a very very big bankroll. You should keep your job until your really financially stable. I definitely skipped that part and started off with an insufficient amount of money.
Well know, I will just have to deal with the fact that I hate playing online and let the hourly rate motivate me. I'll let you all know when I'm up and running. Till then, make known that I am happy to have gone broke in a way, cause know I see that we must all take responsibility for what happens. It's really no ones fault but me even though I was robbed. I want to have a better work ethic from now on. I will work really hard online, gonna report an hourly rate higher than what you make at your job for sure. Whether or not I do whats necessary to keep it that high is my test. Cause you all know I would of fucked it up in time. Not to bad luck, bad circumstances, or bad cards. Just bad work ethic. I'm gonna make it happen captain.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Damn, things were looking real real good the last time I wrote. I informed everyone of my profitable week, and how I was inching close to getting a cheap place to live. Everything was smooth like butter. I also very much liked my 2 roomates.
However the second week began with me being stranded in Manhattan. This dooshbag potential roomate of mine, lets just call him dooshbag this whole time, never picked me up where he dropped me off and just left me there with no car. My car was still parked at the Borgata in Atlantic City. After about 38 calls to his phone and after I overstayed my welcome at my friends place into Monday morning, I took a bus back. I had been robbed and stranded in Manhattan. During the 1st week (profitable week) this dooshbag borrowed 600 dollars from me. He then lost it playing poker. I have already learned the don't let strangers borrow money rule. Because this other dooshbag named Alex Ruimy who I went to school with at Oneonta borrowed 400 from me and never payed it back. He was in no financial shape to borrow money but lied to me and said he was so I lent it to him because we had been friends for a while. Big mistake.
So I never let people borrow money after that. But Dooshbag potential roommate had been splitting motels with me all week, looking for apartments with me, talking about poker and playing as a job all week, was as gung ho about it as me. So on the last day of the first week I lent him some dough. No big deal, we will go to his house in New Jersey where he keeps his money and get it back on the way back from Manhattan.
That was the impression I had and that was where my mind was at the end of the last post. Turns out I was stranded instead and robbed never to hear from DOOSHBAG again. I spent mad money gettin back to AC, on top of the 600 I lost from being robbed. The lease was suppossed to be signed and I would be in my cheap place to live for like 300-400 a month. Instead I was alone again in AC one potential roommate backed out and went home. The other DOOSHBAG flat out robbed me and bounced. So now I'm back to square one, robbed of 600, and still nowhere to live and paying 40-50 a night on motels.
This DOOSHBAG contacts me Wednesday and says he lost his phone that night and had no way of contacting me cause my number was in his phone. He said insurance had just delivered him a new phone. I texted him that night and he was able to see my number and contacted me. If I hadn't texted him he would of never contacted me cause none of his numbers were in his new phone. So it turned out it was all a misunderstanding and said he would come to AC friday with my money and said how sorry he was about everything. I immediately called up everyone I told what happenned and informed them that I hadn't really been robbed and it was all just a big misunderstanding. They were all happy and so was I, but I still did not feel comfortable till DOOSHBAG got to AC. And I was still very tilted about wasting money on motels. My bankroll was shrinking even though I was still doing decently at poker. Fernando, the other roomate who is cool but backed out wasn't there so I had no one to split the rooms with, and everything that seemed all good the first week was now all fucked up. Murphy's law. I was so fucked. DOOSHBAG gave me his word he would be there with my money on Saturday at 1pm with my money. But he never showed up and never answered his phone again. I had a bad week at the tables where I practically broke even. Spent probly like 200 on rooms, and now I'm broke. All my profits from 2 weeks swallowed up by rooms (very expensive on weekends) food, miscellaneous and a robbery. I am now back home at my parents house, with like 23 dollars to my name. Everything I tried to get set up in AC all went to shit thanks to DOOSHBAG. On Saturday I couldn't ride out a dry run of cards and some horrible luck because I was so tilted from being robbed. I was unable to fight through the downswing and still make a profit like I did the 1st week. It was just to tough after DOOSHBAG failed to show up and robbed me. If things had worked out I'd have a cheap place to live, I'd be there right now, I'd have a bankroll still small, but growing. Instead DOOSHBAG committed an act of pure scum that led to a crazy turn of events that put me in a hole I couldn't get out of.
My name is George Costanza I'm 40 years old, unemployed and I live with my parents. Soon Frank, soon, lol.
Things always get fucked up in Atlantic City, I always make money but always seem to wind up regressing financially. Maybe it's not meant to be. I don't know, theres more to all of this but I choose not to get into it now. Peace out all, and don't worry, it's not the end of the world.