Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Slowly hurdling toward Bankruptcy

It's a good thing no one actually reads this shit or else I might be embarassed. I'm sick of posting all these plans I have of what to do with my bankroll. I hate playing poker online more than anything. I've jsut been chilling and have gotten so used to never having to work that its caused me to continue spending without having income. There is no one their to fire you when your a poker player, I kind of wish their was. From now on I'm just going to play till I make 300 profit everyday. The only way I'm gonna be happy is if I'm pulling 300 a day. Then when I spend money it won't piss me off. I don't care how fuckin long I am on my computer each day. Not stopping till I make 300 profit. Gonna stick to seven card stud for a while, been doing well at that. No more ranting about my plan of action. Just gonna make 300 tonight and I'm gonna be one happy fuck when its over. Gotta make 300, gotta run 30 minutes, gotta write 3 pages of my novel. 333, the 333 plan 300, 30 and 3. Gonna go run, peace out all. Fuck ya all for not leaving comments and not going on my site at all. Straight up. Fuck all ya all....... I'll still put up a picture of a hot girl though.


Anonymous said...

I read your posts every day.


snarkybarm said...

it's just that we'd prefer to read the rants of a player who didn't wear so many wifebeaters...that's all!

just kidding, i still read your shit Frank, keep up the posts and good luck with the 333!


PJ said...

Yea man, I read these also. Keep up the posts and the hotties.