Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Day off Worked

My new and improved Finance Tracker:

Bankroll (will now consist of bank account A and pending cashouts and money currently on Poker Stars which is ofcourse 5% of the total): 3475
Expense Account (will now consist of bank account B): 160
This is not technically my totally wealth cause I will always have some money on me. Total wealth: 3.6k

Today I stand at the same total wealth since I won 100+ today but took 100 out of the atm last night. But with this organization method it will be easier to keep track. So here is how we looked at the start of the day:

Bankroll: 3367
Expense Account: 160
Total Wealth: 3.5k
Today: 170 (5% bankroll) on Stars/ 4 tables of 10cent 25cent No Limit Holdem 6 max/
Result: 1015 hands/ +108
Data: Increased bankroll by less than 3.3%, sending 108 to cashouts pending
Bankroll: 3475
Expense Account: 160
Total Wealth: 3.6k

So I pickup a cool 108 profit, my 3rd biggest cash out of the 5 since the new system has been enacted. I am 5 for 5 and expect to be about 80% after like 100 sessions. I love my new system and wish I had been doing this since April, imagine how much dough I would have if I had been averaging about 100 a day 7 days a week for 4 months. I just did it on the calculator, around 12k, my dream number. My live 1,2 bankroll that could produce 65k a year cash. It must be a sign. Anyway 100 bucks a day is not that good a job, but if you work all week cause your working so few hours its 700 a week. I started this shit on Saturday so the week is over by then for me and I gotta send out for my first check. I got one more day of playing and have sent 500 to cashout land so far. So if tomorrow session goes like the other 5 were looking at a 600 dollar profit week. It should of been 7 but I felt the need for an off day yesterday. It really did work, I believe I actually refreshed my mind and played better, breaking the 100 dollar barrier and putting an end to the steady decline of profits. I was worried that I might break even or lose a little money because each of my victories were for less of a profit one after another. Well I sure as hell put a stop to that. The day off really worked out and did the trick. Nice, very very nice. I love playing online and following the 5% rule. The worst case scenario I could lose 170 dollars, wow. I wouldn't even care about such a small amount. In a month 170 will be even less a percentage of my bankroll and in a year may seem microscopic. I am feeling very focused and confident, not a bit stressed. Bad beats don't get to me at all since I'm playing so bankroll friendly. Just need to follow this sytem forever and never let up. Almost back to 4k, soon 5, and then 6k. Wow I had 6k just a short time ago, no wonder I dropped so far down with the amount of variance in my daily online poker regimen. Now I'm making money slow but I'm cancelling out the possibility of a disaster day, no more negative 500 tank days. Johnny Cashout is the man in charge now. He plays well and never acts irrational, knows how to put his ego aside and just muck. Closing in 4k baby. We are looking so good, heres how the first 6 days of the new system has worked out.
Saturday +168 2.5 hours
Sunday +140 3 hours
Monday +74 2.5 hours
Tuesday +22 2.5 hours
Wednesday day off
Thursday +108 2.5 hours
Friday ? send for check
Total: +512/ 13 hours/ 39 an hour
This is how my online week used to look when I played people heads up everyday. (this is actual records)

Sunday +293
Monday +128
Tuesday +60
Wednesday +269
Thursday -620
Friday off
Saturday off
I was winning alot more on days I won, but that disaster day was always lurking around the corner. Then I would be broke online and have to take days off or just shot. A total roller coaster, high highs, low lows. I am now making online more like live poker is for me. A steady income. Lets keep it up.

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