Sunday, August 10, 2008

I think Johnny Cashout is here to Stay

Allright just finished up another good session online. We are 2 for 2 and it looks like I'm going to regain my old form and start making some dough. Heres how we looked when the day began.

Banked: 3100
PokerStars: 160
Cashouts pending: 160
Spending: 100+
Total wealth: 3.4k
Today: 160 (5% bankroll) on Stars/ 4 tables of 10cent 25cent No Limit Holdem 6 max/
Result: 1045 hands/ +140
Data: Increased bankroll by slightly less than 5%, sending 130 to cashouts pending, adding 10 to base bankroll
Banked: 3100 Poker Stars: 170 Cashouts pending: 290
Total wealth: 3.55k

So I'm up about 300 or so since my deposit on Sunday. It comes out to 168 + 140, being up 308 overall from 4 tabling 10cent 25cent 6 max NLH in 2 days, about 6 hours and 2050 total hands. This an astonishing 50 bucks an hour but I might have played more than 6 hours I don't know, didn't keep track, maybe 7.5 hours, which would be a good hourly rate either way. Anyway everyone measuring online winnings alwyas goes by hand. I saw a graph of a guy who made a million online and averaged about 3 bucks per hand. From my two sessions that I've recruited Johnny Cashout to play I am up 308 in 2050 hands, or 15 cents per hand. Pretty sick since a hand takes about a 2 seconds most of the time. I'm making 15 cents just to click my mouse. Let's see if I can keep up this pace. I must avoid having that terrible day where I lose sanity and destroy my hourly rate. So far so good. Oh yeah, Brian, my roomate from college doesn't wanna move to Atlantic City anymore, pretty weak. So I don't know what the future holds right now. No big deal though, I feel I'm going to do well online from now on. Heres the:


My hole cards: 10 10

I raise with position over most of the players and get 2 callers both out of position against me. The flop is both awsome and scary. K J 10, I spike a set in a raised pot, however each card is a heart. A royal flush is the nuts here. Even if I make quad 10's if anyone is holding an AQ or Q9 of hearts I am on the wrong end of a serious card combination, also known as a cooler. This slow witted player with about 20 bucks bets into me, I have about 45, a modest stack. He bets 1.50 and I flat call. The turn in just what I wanted to see, a K, giving me the full house with 10 10 10 K K. He bets a weak 1.50 again and I grow frustrated that his hand must be weak and I will not get payed off. I figure if he is weak I don't wanna raise him and if by some chance he actually has me beat with a straight or royal flush let me limit my loss. I saw no reason to raise him here. I am actually afraid I am beat and thats why he is betting so small, to suck me in. His range of hands to call a preflop raise definately hit that board, K J 10 K, he could easily have K 10 or KJ, so easily he could have a better full house than me and I'm being coolered. The river was a 9 of clubs, for a board of K J 10 K 9. Now if he has K9 I'm beat too, damn, I dont know what to do. He bets 1.50 again on the river. Now its hard for me to get action even if he has trip kings he cant beat a single queen in the hole cause that would make a straight. I kind of feel like if I raise here I can only get called if I'm beaten with this kind of board. I decide the bet is so weak that he must have less than a fullboat and just raise him his last 15 bucks. He hesitates and calls. I win, he had K5 off suit. He couldn't even beat a straight, not to mention a full boat, a flush, a straight flush, it was all out there. And he calls off his remaining money with trips Kings, what a donkey. The only hand I may have that he has beat is AJ, but who would reraise with AJ on the river there? It was a terrible play by him, an absolute joke. In his defense he was probably on tilt and just didn't want to fold. It was a bad play by him and not a great play by me, a bit greedy of me to raise him there I think, with such a dangerous board. But my read was that my little boat was good due to his small river bet. These donks make small bets when they are strong often, but then almost always make a big bet on river if they got you in bad shape. I sensed his 3rd consecutive small bet was not a trick or a 'please call me' bet. So I guess it was a good play by me, but I still am not in love with my play. I really wanna hear some feedback on this hand, leave comments please. See you next time.

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