Saturday, August 30, 2008


In the poker world we refer to going broke as busto. I'm almost there. Not yet though, but with some hard work and determination we should reach our goal. I think this is gonna be one of the most interesting posts I've written. I am full of information right now.

Ok my pal Derick is awsome at poker. One of the few people I can talk to about certain texas holdem concepts and know he actually gets me. My friend Kirk is pretty good at poker but has never really taken it seriously, I will tell Kirk the same concepts and he just pretends he has also thought about them, but I know he's fulla shit. And I'm not worried about him finding out I said this cause I know he will never visit my site. There are some very very advanced ways of thinking that I can not go into right now, but if you see texas holdem on a high enough level its really profound how deep, and how many levels your thought process about a hand can go. How do I know a pair of 7's is good here? With a board of K J 8 6 3, and a huge bet on the river? How do you call with 7's? I just can cause I know he has Q10. How I know this, to hard to explain. But Derick is at par with me as many good players are, but how many of them do I talk to on a regular basis? Not many, Derick is the only one who really understand hands on my level. All Derick does is win, he has a story every other day about picking up half a G. But all Derick does online is lose. Says he's down about..... well I don't even wanna go there, that wouldn't be cool. But live, up a lot, a whole lot, all he does is rake in the dough. Heres another thing we have in common.

Of course there was a time when you I was doing okay online. Of course technically you can make money online if you really really want to. Derick could to. However you would have to approach in a very painstakingly, dry, boring way. I did this for a period of time. However when you do this your advantage will never the same as it live. So frustration will always creep in. And even though ur making money, your not really enjoying what you do. Which defeats the whole purpose of playing poker as a job. The possibilty of frustration will always be looming over you like a black cloud, cause the psychological aspect will be almost completely gone. Table talk, table presence, all that good stuff that I've learned helps me win is gone. You still are basically playing the same game, but not exactly the same game. The advantage will always be lesser, and there are many spots online where I'm stumped, and have to fold, or guess. If only we were playing live, I would know what to do here. This subject is a dead horse.

What was I talking about? Why did I really come back from AC? Why would I choose to come back here and play online? Save money? I was suppossed to just stay in AC, I was doing real well. Didn't wanna go back to Mahopac. Was gonna get everything set up like I planned. Then I couldnt stop thinking about paying for this place. 1100 a month, 1100 a month, 1100 a month, 1100 a month, ur fuct, ur fuct, ur fuct, ur fuct. And then it all went haywire, and everything spinned out of control.

So arrogant, loud, talkative, full of himself Frank who played everyday and won mad money everyday like took a vacation or something. And then this quite, worried fella who was freaking out about shit played, and lost. And then I couldn't win. It's funny cause living in hotels and shit was costing me like 240 a week which comes out to roughly 1000 a month, I had been doing fine this way. But still I couldn't stop freaking out over this shit. And thats the real reason why I came back here. Turns out, if I stayed there, I'd have been better off. Playin online, what a stupid idea. So now you all know the real reason...........

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