Monday, August 11, 2008

The New Kind of Bad Day

Allright well just finished up today's session and I am not happy with my performance. I only made 74 dollars over 1023 hands. I do not like how I played and was way to loose preflop at certain times during the session. However this is my first day since Johnny Cashout has taken over that I have not played my A game, however I still profited. When I was just playing people heads up as a job I would have a bad day and possibly lose over 500 bucks. Today I had a bad day but won a small amount, this is a pretty dope bad day. From now on when I'm not playing well I'm not gonna be dropping half a G like I once did. I am becoming a good online player I think, for a while I was only a good live player but I know I can become just as good online. I still as you all know am only keeping 5% of the bankroll online (170). So even on a really bad day I am only going to lose 170 not 500. And when I have 10k I can lose 500 in a day. You know the system, I tlak about it constantly. Anyway heres a look at today:

Banked: 3100
PokerStars: 160
Cashouts pending: 290
Spending: 100+
Total wealth: 3.55k
Today: 170 (5% bankroll) on Stars/ 4 tables of 10cent 25cent No Limit Holdem 6 max/
Result: 1023 hands/ +74
Data: Increased bankroll by less than 5%, sending 74 to cashouts pending
Banked: 3100 Poker Stars: 170 Cashouts pending: 364
Total wealth: 3.6k


My hole cards: Q7 of diamonds

I'm in the big blind and the button raises to a buck. I call the extra 75 cents to see if I can hit a flush. Remember kids, your not trying to make a pair of Queens here because you have a 7 kickers, this hands value comes from it being suited. It's not even that good of a hand anway because the Q and 7 are to far away from each other to make a straight on the flop. Hands like Q8 Q9 Q10 QJ QK and AQ suited are the ones you should be playing. Q7 even suited should not really even be played, and Q8 and Q9 should only be played when suited. You should never play Q7 offsuit and Q7 suited is a stretch. But I was playing it because I felt the player who raised was very weak and would pay me off if I make 2 pair or z flush. The flop is very action inducing. It was an A Q 9 with 2 diamonds. I flop a pair and a flush draw. He bets hard when I check it to him. I know he has AJ or AK and is not going to fold. I also know any Q, 7, or diamond gives me the win. So I go ahead a make a big checkraise, I know he has an ace and is not going to fold, I don't care I am trying to win a big pot here. I figure I am a 53% favorite against his 47% because I have so may outs to win the pot. It's actually even money, I just looked it up. I still feel this a plus EV play. (Expected Value) In the long run I make money with checkraising here. Either he puts me on 2 pair or a set and folds and I win, this was unlikely cause this guy plays bad but some players will muck here. If he doesn't fold and we wind up getting it all in I win half the time. So out of all the times he doesn't fold if win half the time, breaking even in the long run and all the time he does fold I make a profit. After 100 hands like this if we get it all in 80 times and I break even, either winning big or losing big, and the other 20 times he folds and I win a smaller pot by forcing him to give up, I am ahead. This makes this a long term mathematically profitable play, understand? This is not everyones style, but I think if your adequately bankrolled for the stakes you play like I am you can afford to play like this. I think the gamble is worth it becuase if you win you have a big stack at the table and can really make some noise, and may even put the loser of that pot on tilt and profit even more. If you lose, you just reload, no biggie. Here is a play made by Patrick Antonius where he employs the same type of logic: (fast forward to minute 8)
Antonius knows this asian amateur is not going to fold his pair of aces, or that there is a small chance he will because he is not a very good player. But the play makes sense in the long run for the reasons I mentioned. This is another reason you need to play with responsible money management, so you can make plays that are correct and not worry about the money, just look at your chips as a way to keep score, don't stress yourself out thinking about what you could have bought with the money. I love playing a loose volatile style and I am well equipped to do it because I will never again experience swings or variance like that of playing heads up everyday. The classic semibluff, incorporate it into your game. Oh yeah, I rivered my flush, but remember, the short run is irrelevant, it was a positive expectation play whether I won or lost. Peace out....

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