Friday, September 5, 2008

Work Week in AC baby

So I decided to try spending the week in AC and do nothing but make money. Then come back here for Friday-Sunday to just realx and have fun. The drive really isnt' that bad. Here's how my trip went:

Monday: Bally's +429
Tuesday: Hilton +57
Wednesday: Borgata +300
Thursday: Taj Mahal -256

Overall: approximately 20 hours, about 560 profit, about 27 an hour, not to shabby

However after paying for my motel and meals and miscellaneous, I only return home with 120 or so dollars more than when I left. I really got to get a place down there. I should have still cracked 1000 profit, as I was on track to with ease after Wednesday, however I screwed up on thursday, I didn't have much to work with but if I played better could have limited my losses to 100. I definately played to long and the A game finally slipped away. I kept it up for 3 days though, the 4th day shoulda been another 200+ day and I woulda cracked 1000 and came back with hundreds more than I left with even after spending alot while I was there. It's a shame I couldn't go 4-4.

Relace that -256 with a +200, or even +150 and im up close to 1000 for the trip. I probably would of played today also and won more and then drove home. But after having a bad day I decided to jsut go home and relax. Next week I will go 4 for 4, maybe even 5 for 5.

It's really interesting how it all went down yesterday. I'm up close to 800 in 3 days and was not in the playing mood. But had nothing to do so I figured I'd go to the Taj to play some seven card stud with old people. If you play Stud your not going to lose more than 100 bucks so it was more of a relaxing game. When I got there it wa so early in the morning that only Holdem was going on. I decided to play, without much excitement. I throw away A9 off suit in late position, no one had raised so I should of just seen a flop for 2 bucks. I usually only play A10 and up but in this situation, in late position, no raise, I shoulda just played any ace. I folded. The flop regrettably came A99. I was sick. On the turn some guy mad a flush. On the river, some guy with 96 made a full house. I would have won so much money in that hand. I immediately felt like it would be a rough day. I wanted to jsut bounce out right there, I was so sick. Later on I make the nut flush on river with my A6 of hearts. When the heart came on river the dude to my right made a huge bet of 50 dollars into an already gigantic pot. I'm sitting with the nuts and I know this guy just made a flush as well. The way he just bet huge into everyone when the heart came it was 100% clear to me he had a flush. I decided to go for it all and went ahead and just raised him 200 more dollars. I figured this guy has been splashing around alot, he was a subpar loose player, he won't be able to fold a flush, he will call, raise it all Frank! Bad move as he mucked his hand cause it was obvious a tiny flush was no good. The correct raise was 75 more, maybe even just 50 more. I won the pot and was up 150, but if I made the correct raise I woulda been up 200 or 225. I was greedy. There are some players that can't lay down a flush and it is correct to raise all in. But I underestimated my opponent and it cost me 50-75 bucks. Damn, I'm the only guy who can win a big pot and still feel like I lost money. Hours later I'm up 100 overall and some girl sits at the table. I wanted to just leave with my small profit but decided to stay cause of the stupid girl. She had a wedding ring on I think, some kind of shiny rock, probly was a wedding ring, but I stay anyway. I was talking to her alot, she wasn't that pretty but had a nice body. She played like a girl, it was a shame. I'd love to meet a girl who can destroy me in poker.
Well I continued to catch no cards and was slowly be blinded away. Some dude arrived and was sitting next to her who I think might have been with her, I couldn't tell, but they kept talking about all this stuff from home, so they definately knew eachother well. So that being said, along with the wedding ring, it was lost cause, but now I feel like I gotta win some money cause I was there for so long. I made a really bad call on some guy who just had to be bluffing but wasn't. It was an incredibly bad hero call gone wrong. I looked like a fool. I called 90 dollar river bet with 3rd pair cause I was sure this dude missed a draw and was trying to steal the pot. I should ahve folded turned out he had 2nd pair. It makes no sense that he would move in with 2nd pair cause he can only get called by top pair. But he did, and the bet was so ridiculous that it confused the hell outta me. He was bluffing, but sometimes people are bluffing with a pair. Or bluffing with the best hand. I shoulda folded, did not have enough information on the player to make such a call. It was a mistake, I was not thinking clearly at the time. I played another hour and still was thinking rather unclearly and finished down 250. I definately slipped up and broke down. You might feel I still did okay overall, but I don't, I expect perfection at all times. Just think I coulda played an hour and won 250 if I had just raised that dude with the baby flush the right amount. Coulda took the rest of the day off. Could be up 1000 for the trip. Damn....... Next week I'm gonna bat a thousand, I promise.

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