Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Makin Moves, Makin Movies

I can't seem to play good anymore. Since last post I seem to have reverted back to playing bad. I have been trying, just can't seem to get anything going. I had like 145 the other day now I have 45, and can't seem to make any progress. It is very depressing, I don't know what to do. Gonna try again tomorrow, but the low stakes continue to drive me insane.

Anyway, on a better note, I am in an independant film. I worked on it last weekend and it was a real tough time. When you make a movie your on set all day just to shoot like 8 mins worth of film. It was also freezing cold outside. And were not even done, I still have to go back next weekend and wrap up a few more scenes. I play a smartass American soldier. It's a World War II movie. Its called "The Penicilin Advance" its sort of a comedy.

We have all been working our asses off and freezing them off to get this done, and I can't wait till it's finished. Were even going to take it a short film festival. Heres some pictures from the set:

Thats me second from left. And at the far right is my buddy from highschool Francisco Dejesus who is also the director. The guy in the middle is obviously a nazi soldier.

Thats a picture of the American soldiers as we captured Nazis and are now showing them how we got their flag, with a couple of smirks.

Making movies is a great rewarding experience. I feel a sense of accomplishment, its not like just playing poker and having a skill that doesn't really help anyone but yourself. I want to make more movies after this one with this group of people. The camera crew really knows their shit. Poker is perfect now cause I can have a way to make money on my own time, so i have more time to pursue things I really love, like making movies. So I really gotta get back into the swing of things on the poker front, I am just so frustrated for weeks now. Buy my car!
With poker I'll never have to miss a movie shoot cause of some job I am committed too. I'm gonna make it work and enjoy the freedom of professional poker, so it's still good in that sense. But yeah, there is more to life than just playing poker all day and I want to be more involved in other things. I have many ideas of more movies to make with these people, and I'm sure they would be down for it. I am still a writer at heart, but acting is great too.

It was really easy for me to play a smartass soldier, I was just being myself, but to the extreme. We should be done filming in 2 weeks and the movie should be fully edited and completely finished in a month.

Tomorrow I'll have better news to report concerning poker. All in all, things are gloomy right now but this movie is making everything all good. Peace out till next time.

1 comment:

Tomasz Mlynarski said...

That looks like an awesome time. Can't wait to watch it. What is Rob's role, does he play the tough guy with a heart of gold?