Friday, January 30, 2009


I guess to truly be successful at this its gotta be hard, a grind sorta say. Played more superlow stakes today, played mad good. Picked up another 40 profit after making 38 or so yesterday. Up about 81 in 10 hours, making 8 an hour. Sux right now but soon Ill be back at 25c 50c. It is nice to be playing within your means though. I'm gonna keep playing this bullshit, keep making a measly 8 an hour till I have 500 bucks. I got 145 now. God I hate how embarrassing playing for these small amounts is. You should read Ansky's blog:

He's much younger than me and when he talks about 25 50 stakes, hes talking about 25dollar 50 dollar with a 5000 buy in. Not 25cent 50cent. But whatever, gonna be playing low forever unless I shape up my bad habits. This is the only way to get out of it. Gonna stick with the 20 buy in rule for a while and manage money intelligently. Technically I don't even have enough to play this 5c 10c bullshit I been grinding, but can't go lower than this so I won't have an official 20 buy in bankroll for it till I make 55 more bucks. Then I'm gonna grind up to 500 smackers. That will give me 20 buyins for 25max(10c 25c) and should make 15-16 an hour or 60-100 bucks a day. Grind my way from there to 1000 bucks. Then I'm finally back to 25c 50c, my game baby. Should be able to cashout 700-1300 a week playing that every day. In the future I will look to playing even higher, but gonna worry about getting back to 1k and making some sweet cashouts first. Gotta stick with these rules all the time, and stick with my poker rules from now or I will risk falling out of the WINNING MINDSET. Which by the way feels spectacular to be back in.

The Poker Commandments
Essential rules to be read at the start of each work day. And followed!

1) You can only play when you are completely sober, no exceptions.

2) You can not play online poker, unless you have showered and dressed for the day. No playing in your fuckin pajamas.

3) You can't play a cash game unless your going to play at least 1500 hands, at most 2000 hands.

4) Only play in your room and you can't watch TV or open the door or answer the phone until the 1500th hand is complete.

5) Plan out on your computer what your going to play before each week begins. You can't just decide on the fly what your going to play. Don't fuckin go against the weekly plan, thats how you fucked up last time. When you were sticking with the weekly plan you were making 50 dollars an hour, remember how much fuckin money that is next time you wanna get off the weekly plan for a day.

6) No cash games stakes can be played without 20 buyins in your account (base bankroll) For example 1k= 50max, 2k= 100max. Don't play more than 4 tables at a time with cash games.

7) Play your A game, or no game. Exercise control and stop regardless of how much your up or down if your not playing your A game. If your on fuckin tilt, your gonna waste the money you need to make money. And then your gonna be off tilt and rebuilding later, why not just stay off tilt and play later when you still have money.

8) Always remember the calmness feeling from late January 09. Its all about the calmness. CCC, Calm, Confident, Conservative. THE WINNING MINDSET.

9) Do not play poker when you are eating, or cooking.

If your a poker player you should follow these. And if you think rule 9 is stupid kiss my ass. It's true, eating puts you in a less concentrated, more relaxed, less hard working kind of mood. Its easy to play stupid while your eating. Don't believe me, copy and paste this:

Phil goes to get a chicken sandwich and then......... make sure to watch the next part:

The chicken sandwich contributed to Philly's exit. I'd bet your money on it. I'd bet mine if I had any right now.

I always post hands of my nice wins but how bout one where I make a stupid mistake and get lucky on some poor sap. Remember I play as brezlin, copy and paste:

What a sick hand, when he saw that ace on the river he probly was relieved of all worry, turns out it was the worse card possible. Damn it feels good to be back in the groove. Graph, just click it if you can't see it well:

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