Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Can't Sleep

I got up at 9:30 in the am and it 4am now and I still just can't pass out. I have been rewriting my novel tonight, got like 2-3 pages done with good grammer this time. I think I might not be able to sleep cause I start thinking about my novel and my brain doesn't wanna stop going and I get to excited.

This clip is the funniest fuckin thing I have ever seen in my life:


This girl looks good with short hair. That's revolutionary stuff. She looks real real good with long hair though. She kinds of looks like Kristen Bell but as a brunette. I'm going to call my agent and get him to schedule a menage a trois' with those two sexy bitches tomorrow.

Anyway don't have much to talk about as of now. Still haven't solved this financial crisis and I don't wanna think about it right now. Just can't sleep so I'm writing. This friday and saturday we are rapping up filming on our world war II movie. I can't wait to watch it. I hear were making 4 other films with the same characters. Each movie will have a different main character, so I'll have to star in 1 of them. Independant film making is great, and writing is great. I don't see how much poker may be in my future anymore. When I was a kid I was all about movies, I don't know if I'm meant not to pursue creative ventures. To be good at poker you have to truly make yourself inhumane in your ability to supress emotion. But emotion is what makes you human and makes you create great art.

I don't know man. I just don't know. I'm still gonna play, I will always play........

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