Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Smart Decision

Looking back, I do not feel I have always made the best decisions through life. Though no one is perfect and not everyone has made 100% right decisions I still feel I have not made enough smart decisions and have always leaned toward instant gratification as opposed to long term well being. That's like the 400th time I have said this on this website.
I want to make a smart decision for once and go against doing what I want. What do I want to do right now? Honestly? I wanna pick up a bar tending job, go back to Atlantic City find a cheap place to live and just play poker and bar tend and play online poker. What am I going to do instead?
I'm opening a cafe in Mahopac. BROOKLYN COFFEE HOUSE, opening May 2009, stop in and have a cup of coffee. A cappuccino, espresso, anything you want. And then relax and watch the game.
Setting this place up and running it is not going to be easy, and not necessarily how I wanna spend the short time I have left before I am 30 and life is pretty much over. But its the right thing to do. If I can make this business a success it will eventually be a relentless source of income under my name that I do not necessarily have to be there 24/7 for.
And I can still play poker, and obviously I'm going to make more playing less hours. There's no way its not a smart decision to take this opportunity. I know a lot of people who would love this opportunity but they don't have it.
Eventually I can get this business up and running and to the point where I can just watch it go and more or less sit back and collect. It'd be stupid not to do it and go grind the 1,2 in AC and play online and work for someone else wherever. It'd just be plain ignorant to go back to that. I'm not gonna do that. Just gonna put all my energy into this cafe and try to make it the best it can be, and a couple of years down the line it will be a profitable establishment I can get massive income from.
I plan on eventually traveling the whole world and playing poker everywhere. This is a stepping stone to get to that. I will never get there unless I take this opportunity. If I do what I really wanna do right now I'll just be stuck working for someone else or playing poker, grinding, with a performance based job. No matter how how much I love poker and the freedom it offers it will always be performance based. I'll always have to play really good for long periods of time in order to be winner. Any slacking off will immediately set me back. I will never be able to pay people to play poker for me. I will always have to be putting the hours in to make money. I know with the right bankroll I can do it. I would go insane at times and have to take days off though. But even if I have the right bankroll, and do all that it still will always be a performance based job. A job, where I have to be there to make money. A business is different from a job, cause a business can make money for you. Yes at first I'm going to be doing more work than anyone and it will consume all life as I know it, but eventually I can reap the rewards of being head of a business. Look at it this way:

Starting from the top:

Corporation CEO: Makes decisions, collects more income than anyone below him. The work that must be done to keep business going is all done by the pawns below him. And he has the money to pay them of course cause he owns the whole corporation and get the largest share of its profits.

Business Owner: The Boss, workload varies, collects more income than anyone. Oversees the operation, can work himself to avoid paying people, or just pay people, but either way a considerable amount of work that needs to be done to keep the business going is not done by him. Collects largest share of profits.

Worker: Employed by the business. Has certain responsibilities to obtain or the business can not run. Is paid a modest share of the profits for doing their job.

Poker Player: Only gets paid when he wins.

For all the freedom it does offer, a poker player still works harder than anyone because you can't slack off at all. If your a CEO or and Owner obviously you have a lot of responsibility but compared to your income you are certainly receiving a fair deal. All the schmucks under you are what really make things go. Thats the hard work and your not doing any of it.
A worker is never going to get promoted if he or she slacks off but can easily hold a job by just doing what they are asked. Come into work, do your job, get payed. No questions asked.
Now a poker player has to give it his all day in and day out and if there any let up at all he is fucked. Imagine your first day at the job you work now. Remember how hard you worked and all the way in which you tried to impress your boss? And think of now, your still doing your job ofcourse, but have settled into a routine of sort. Maybe come in hungover at times? Maybe took it easy to get through the week at times. It don't matter, as long as you show up and do a halfway decent job your getting that paycheck.
Imagine if you had to be how you were the first day on the job for every single day of your working existence? Thats what being a poker pro is like, a sucessful one at least.

Well I'm done with that for the time being. Yeah I know with the right bankroll I can still do it, but I would evenutually burn out anyway. With this oppurtunity I can have a business set up that I can collect income from without having to perform like everyday of my life is game 7.

And I can still play poker, who says I can't. But I'm gonna play tournaments. Gonna try to play one big tourny on my one day off a week. Winning that big tournament is what first got me into poker. Seeing a kid turn his 10 grand buy in into 2 million is what got me. But I was never playing tournies, always grinding cash, making 500 a night is sweet, but its impossible to make life changing money. I gotta get into tournies. And if I lose who cares, I have a job. Before I had to play cash games because they are low risk and I needed to win for definate. They are also low reward, as best case scenario maybe you triple your buy in.
A tournament is high risk, but high reward if you make to the end. Its the only way to multiply your buy in by like 300. I'll hit one eventually.

And I'm at peace with my decision to only play poker for such a long period of time. Even though it was insane to rely solely on poker without the appropriate funds, I would not be as good as I am if I had never been so obsessed with it. Soon enough I will have my very own money tree while playing poker and be unstoppable. (Evil Villain Laugh) Whooooo ha ha ha ha Whoooo ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

1 comment:

Tomasz Mlynarski said...

sounds like your doin good, should be fun to come back and chill at the cafe.

in addition to the whole job vs business thing, corporations are like a financial tool: corporations spend first then pay taxes, while individuals must pay taxes first.
