Thursday, April 16, 2009

Undisputed yet Unrecognized

Poker is one of the only sports or competitions where the best player can be painfully obvious to a trained eye and easily missed by an inexperienced observer. The ignorant party will even mistake this star player as a donkey. For the greatest and most skillful play in poker is the fold. Sometimes its all you can do. And every time you do it you either break even or lose money. You can't win money folding under any circumstance. You can fold before the flop and just stay out of trouble, but you can't profit. You can fold on the flop and you lose the small amount you've invested. You can fold on the turn or river and chances are you invested quite a bit by then.
In the event that you do feel you have the worst hand on the turn or river with a lot invested in the pot the only thing you really can do at this point is cut your losses and fold. You wish you weren't in the situation, you wish you had the best of it and didn't have to muck, but all you can for your best interest at this point is fold.
Every time you minimize your loss with a correct fold you save money. Every last dollar counts cause it all adds up in the long run. At the end of the year every time you save even a measly 3 bucks by folding, add all those little folds up and its thousands saved. Its very hard to accept for players but poker is a game where you have to lose and to win you must lose as little as possible when there is no way around losing. Its the only sport where you can lose while showcasing great skill.
Like I have said countless times before in this blog. If you keep getting dealt the worst hand you need to keep folding, and yeah your going to lose money for a while folding, but it was inevitable for you to loss all those hands cause you were dealt the worst hand and what your dealt is beyond your control. What you can do is fold every time your beat. Ya see most people get caught losing more than they should when they keep getting the worst hand. And then when the eventual upswing comes and they start winning pots, they are not up nearly what they should be, they might be even, or still down, even after the upswing because they did not properly limit their losses during their downswing.
Yes its frustrating doing nothing but fold for a long period of time, but you have to do it. So look at it this way: Its defense. If you play for 5 hours and get shafted by bad luck, start with 300 and end with 100, your down 200 bucks. A lesser player woulda lost the whole 300. An even lesser player woulda lost the 300, re bought and lost another 200.
Just remember be merry as long as you keep making the right decision. If folding was right and its all you did and you lost money, still be merry, cause you lost like a champ. When your upswing comes you will be smooth sailing cause you limited your losses. Be upset when you make the wrong decision, even if you make a bad decision and suck out on someone, don't be happy, be upset cause playing that way will eventually be your demise.
Don't ever worry about what your up and down. If you always make the right decision you'll be okay.
So making great folds all day like the folds I'm gonna show you in this video, makes you an undisputed superb poker player. Yet your talents will still be unrecognized by most, those who don't see the game on a high enough level and just assume your losing so you suck. Your undisputed greatness will go unrecognized. But cheer up its unrecognized by a bunch of saps who would be down two or three times what you are after such a disastrous run of cards. You feel me?

Check this kids:

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

Better to be down 500grand than a full million. Durrrr is a great player. I've never seen such a ridiculous amount of second best hands comes someone's way and then great laydown after great laydown. You would figure Patrick would have the second best hand at some point but it never seemed to happen. Obviously the cards will even out in time but this is one of those insanely improbable streaks of bad luck for Durrrr and good luck for Patrick.

I'm going to concentrate more on showing what a game of skill poker is on this site. Since I'm not palying as much anymore and don't have as much to write about concerning my experiences playing, I'm going to switch it up a little. Even though I am not playing as much I still feel there is plenty to write about. I thought it was over, but it never is, my mind still twisting and turning all the time. I have other things to write about as well, my trip to Oneonta and a bad experience with an online asswipe. But I'll save it for next post.

I wanna concentrate a lot now on with legitimizing poker to everyone. Still far to many people dimiss it as a gamble. Years down the line people will not categorize it along with low lifes and self abuse. There should be a poker room everywhere, I shouldnt' have to go to South New Jersey to play. Its really ridiculous how they can stretch the law and open Yonkers Raceway, even put slot machines in their. But poker, a game of skill, is still shunned. Disgusting. People will see, in time, as long I keep up the informative posts and others continue to spread the word.

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