Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Range of Emotions

Expert poker players making instructional videos to help people get better at the game often use the term range, as in putting your opponent on a range of hands. You don't know exactly what your opponent has, but you can use a number of clues to put him on a range of hands. From the range you can use deductive reasoning to make the most logical guess of what he is holding. These clues include, his playing style, what he did preflop, the cards on the flop, the action on the flop compared to the turn, the amount of the bet, physical tells, timing tells, etc. A lot of the time you can narrow down your opponents range based on these clues and at times the range is wide and is near impossible to pinpoint the hand, and sometimes the range is narrow and there a great chance you will know exactly what your opponent holds. I could keep explaining and give specific examples cause people who don't play still probably don't know what the fuck I'm talking about but I don't feel like it.

But trust me if you play enough you'll start to be able to polarize people's ranges like it ain't no thang. And speaking of ranges, there is an entire range of ideas, a range of emotions and opinions going on in my head lately. I have absolutely everything to say, a range so wide I will definitely forget to include something by the end of this post.
First I hate haters. I hate 'em so much. Nasty people, dooshbags, people who don't think before they speak. Are you one of these people? Do you not think before you speak? Do you lack that mechanism in your brain that tells you not to say certain things to people cause it might make them feel like complete shit? Are you the kinda person who hears of an unrealistic goal someone has and accomodates them by telling them they are to stupid and incompetent to ever make it? To many people are like this. If I want to talk later in this post about a certain MTV show that I have been watching, there is always gonna be that asswipe who has to say "You watch that MTV shit? Loser!" With no knowledge of what its like.
Nasty fuckin people, haters, nay sayers, scum....................

Just the thought that something I've said to someone I've only encountered for a limited time came off the wrong way and they view me as one of these brutes worries the shit outta me. I want everyone to know I'm not one of these people at all. Judgemental fucks.
Well I'm gonna talk about an MTV show soon enough, yeah thats right.
For instance on two plus two, so many haters. Its unfortunate that so much of the poker playing community is a hater. And then you wonder why people who don't play still don't understand its a game of skill. Its always gonna have that negative stigma attached to it and people are always gonna associate it with problem gambling unless people who play seriously show they are good people and not degenerates. All you haters and all you dummies who curse out your opponents when you lose a hand are screwing all of us over everytime you let your emotions take over and become asswipes. Thats why there is a OTB/Off Track Betting place in Mahopac and slot machines at Yonkers Raceway yet poker, a game of skill, is still illegal almost everywhere.

These dudes made this video and put it on youtube. It was called Low Stakes Poker, and it was really cool. Its a knock off of High Stakes poker, and they played a 50 buyin game and filmed it, they had hole card cams and everything, it was nicely done. I thought it was awsome and good for them, its exactly what I wanted to do with my friends.

But ofcourse the dooshbags on Two Plus Two have only negativity to expunge as they spread the word of this cool little production. Take a look

Why are so many people such assholes? Why? Why? Why can't he say "Look at this video these kids made, not a huge production, but props to them on the effort."

It really makes me sick. Okay what else did I wanna talk about? I met this dude at my coffee shop today who was 44 and look 34. And he still is living it up. Member yesterday what I was saying I was worried about? (4th to last paragraph)

This is a good sign. What else?

This MTV show. College Life.

I really like this one character, I see a lot of myself in him, how I was in college. And this girl on the show he's in love with. This girl is like one of the most beatiful creatures I have ever seen. Black hair, blue eyes, damn. Has many different hairstyles that all look good, damn. And a genuinely good person. Yet she's to immature to realize whats going on. I see a lot of someone I used to know in her as well. I may have mentioned the person she reminds me of before...........

Man, this dude, if only he had met this wonderful girl in a different period of time in her life. He's gonna get so screwed by the end of the season, poor bastard. Even if you told him the future and he knew you were right there is still a 0% chance he would ever listen. And rightfully so, in a sick sort of way.

The show reminds me of college so much and I don't wanna watch it anymore but I keep watching it. It makes me remember shit and I don't wanna remember but I keep watching. By the time I'm done watching there is a range of emotions running through me its as if I've eaten a bunch of magic mushrooms.

I'm forgetting something. Oh yeah, movies. I love fuckin movies. The WWII movies we made still hasn't been finished. Still in the editing process. Its driving me insane. It sucks so much. Sucks as much as what the movie business is doing now a days and has for some time. I have a huge beef with trailers.


Just stop! Please, your killing the movie. Yeah the trailers are awsome, and they are like entertaining little mini movies in themselves, but you know your giving away to much. The trailer wouldn't be so awsome unless you do give away, so you kinda have to. Well shit, you need to step back and realize that the trailer shouldn't be so good, the trailer should be short, a tease, a quick intro to the world we will discover with the movie. Not a random assortment of scenes from the beginning, middle, and near end.

Ya see Hollywood doesn't care, you know why? Its called $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. They know cool trailers attract viewers, and to make a cool trailer you gotta give away stuff, so they don't care. They mastered the art of making a mediocre movie look great with a great trailer. We need to abolish the whole trailer bullshit. Some one needs to step up. Spielberg, Scorsece, one of you famous fucks, do the right thing.

Do you know what the trailer for Pyscho was? It was Alfred Hitchkock standing in front of the big ass hotel or house where most of the film takes place. And he says "My new movie is about this place. Go see it." And that was it. You had no fuckin idea of anything that was going to happen. And thats why that shower scene is one of the most famous and scariest in movie history. People had know idea, it snuck up on em so perfectly.

But with Star Trek and Terminator Salvation, I already can piece together exactly what is going to happen through the outrageously long trailers for each em. I really wanna see em both, but they are both kinda ruined in a way.

Yeah, really cool trailers, I agree, but trailers shouldn't exist. Infantry combat is really cool too, but we both know it would be better off not existing at all.

The trailer for Watchmen was probably the best movie trailer I've ever seen. The way they put the smashing pumpkins music in there, perfect.

Never got around to see it. And for some reason I don't even feel like I missed it. You see where I'm going with this?

1 comment:

Tomasz Mlynarski said...

true that about the trailers. psycho was so good because you didn't know you where watching a horror movie until the shit starts going down.