Thursday, April 23, 2009


Here's a quote by me, concerning the ups and downs and brutal swings of poker:

"Poker is like a rollercoaster, not just for you, for everyone. If you can ride it without getting sick, you'll be okay."

Once again adding to my previous thoughts about how the swings and or bad luck hit us all, but skill prevails. Some people just can't ride without getting sick though. I have been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster as of late. I keep thinking about how I'm not going to be playing full time for a while and have mixed feelings, but I just know opening this coffee shop will in turn make poker a hundred times more profitable, and the fact that I know the location of this cafe/coffee shop is reason enough to open. We have the prime location in Mahopac and I really can't see any circumstance where its not going to be a gold mine. My investment partners are very excited. I'm really going to do as well as I can. Stop by when it opens, should be by June.

Yeah I would probably be happier playing poker all the time forever but it will always be a struggle and a grind. So I just can't pass up this opportunity. The owner of the property told me yesterday that approximately 25,000 cars pass it on route 6 everyday. Location is everything, and everyone feels there couldn't be a more perfect spot.

The emotions continue though as I look back and feel I could have tried harder to make it work. And speaking of looking back, I took a trip to Oneonta this weekend. That place is more of an emotional roller coaster than anything. And I can see my friends who hadn't been there since they left like a year ago going through the same thing I did. It's sad, since I lived there for like 3 years, some of my friends 4 full years. When we all met up this weekend I couldn't help but feel like we should all just stay and go to class on Monday. It was like we had all still been hanging out everyday and there was no break. I also saw some kids that are still going to school there and seems hard to believe that in all the time I've spent in the past 2 years since I left, they have been there that whole time. Crazy, just nuts. I have no explanation for why I did not take any pictures or video of Oneonta to post here. It just never occurred to me, woulda been a nice addition for this post. Hold on let me check facebook, maybe someone posted something.............

Nope, well shit, I'm just gonna show ya a pic from Haloween 07 in Oneonta, these are a couple of the same of the people I met up with this weekend anyway.

Thats me, Bryan and Ryan dressed up as The Price is Right contestants. And Beth in the army. I miss all these people. It doesn't seem right that you hang out with certain people so much in college and then you just don't at all when you leave. And I could see this weekend that everyone feels like this but we never do anything about it.

When I got home on Monday my mind was buggin out. I felt like I should go back to that alternate life I once had in Oneonta. I can never put my finger on it but there was just something decidely different about how I feel when I'm there as oppossed to home. I don't know..........
Well I couldn't stop thinking about it till Tuesday when Derick sent me 25 bucks on Full Tilt poker. I decided to practice good money managment skills so I can actually make it grow.

And ofcourse the only way to make money playing poker is to make it not fun and be smart with money and use 5% rule blah blah blah blah. Obviously with only 25 bucks on the site I can't really follow a 5% rule. You would have to microscopic stakes for a long time before you can even move up to stakes where you still can't even buy a toothbrush after playing all day.

But I decided to just do it anyway cause I was playing HA! My favorite game, the only time I even enjoy playing online is playing HA. You know the pot limit holdem and pot limit omaha mix. I played a a whole day of 2 dollar max buy in HA with 1c 2c blinds. I got my account from 25 to 42 bucks. Which is a really nice profit considering how low of stakes I was playing.

Towards the end of my last session where I skyrocketed from 28 to 42 bucks, and at one point was up to 54, it happenned. A horrible encounter with an extreme dooshbag. First of all you should never get emotional off a 2 dollar max buy in game in the first place. But of course this one guy did. Its really pathetic that I'm even spending my limited time on this planet even palying poker for this low of stakes, but since I enjoy playing HA so much and was on a short bankroll I didn't mind. I was having a good time and just loving the game. It was a low stress, don't matter if you lose, get better at Omaha type of thing.

So this asswipe is playing me heads up when the table broke. I felted a few players and they did not rebuy, opting to leave.

Felted - action verb- to take all of a players chips in one hand during a poker game.

Anyway so this one dooshbag is left playing me heads up and refusing to buy in for more than like 50 cents at a time. And I kept kicking his ass. He starts playing me heads up also on another table too and losing every hand there. It wasn't even like I was getting that lucky, he was just making stupid calls. All in all he dropped like 10 bucks to me probly, 50 cents at a time. And he's calling me all these names. Fagget, asshole, donkey, loser, idiot, moron, all these horrible names, he won't stop. And whenever he wins a hand, I just say NH. Yah know, Nice Hand. So I tell him NH and he writes fuck you! or S T F U.

I never respond to verbal criticism online as I've mentioned countless times. I just say NH. Thats all I ever type, unless the person is chill, then I'll talk to em. But if someone is a doosh I choose not to stoop to their level. I mean how is this guy this upset over a couple of pots that barely even add up to a dollar. What the fuck? So he finally quits and I have like 18 bucks in fron of me at a 2 dollar max buy in table, lol.

An hour later, I think its over and I'm playing with a full table and having fun. He comes back and buys in for another 50 cents and starts telling all the other players at the table that I am cheating. He says he reported me and my account is being suspended. I finally say 'what did I do wrong?' and he says 'You are a faggot and have access to hole card information'

Like this guy actually thought I have hacking software and I can see his hole cards. His massive amount of dooshbaggery doesn't allow him to believe he just sucks. And wouldn't I be at higher stakes if I had hacking software that gave me hole card info?

So this unbelievable asswipe tells me he just spoke to 'blah blah blah at Full Tilt poker security and my account is under review.' I'm not worried cause I didn't do shit obviously. But wow, what a doosh. Even the other players were saying "He didn't do shit, you just suck." What an evil morbid, cynical bastard this guy is.

The next day I try and log into my account and can't. I read an email that says my account is suspended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the thing, I used to play under another name on Full Tilt but I changed it and got a new account with a new name. They found out that both accounts are me and your not allowed to have 2 accounts. Even though I haven't used the other one in forever. So until my previous account settles itself with full tilt, both account are fucked. They were only made aware of this cause some dooshbag accused me of cheating. They would of never looked into my new account and found out about my other screen name from years ago if not for this doosh. Now I can't play at all. Thanx a lot dude who can't lose money like a man.

I would compare this doosh to such tyrants as Kublai Kahn, Stalin, Hiter, or Napoleon but I wouldn't wanna cross the line. Thats not quite the same league. I'm really sorry for even suggesting it. My bad Kublai Kahn, Stalin, Hiter, Napoleon.

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