Monday, March 30, 2009


HA! Is actually a game. Its a mixed poker game. 10 hands of holdem. And then 10 hands of Omaha high. Its really cool and fun. It should probly be called HO, H for holdem and O for Omaha high. But this other mixed game consisting of 10 hands of holdem and 10 hands of Omaha high low split already is called HO. So Holdem and regular Omaha mix is called HA. HA is ten times more fun than HO. Omaha high low split can be rather boring. But regular Omaha, or Omaha high is awsome, and playing it with holdem is great. Its not no limit though, its pot limit. But pot limit is pretty much the same thing as no limit, except you can't really go all in until there is signifcant money in the pot. Its almost the exact same thing as no limit, and may even be a little better. I haven't really had fun playing poker in a long time. It's very liberating to have a rotation of games as oppossed to only playing one game the whole time. 10 hands of Omaha, 10 hands of holdem, really awsome and fun. I been practicing it with play money cause I don't really know how to play Omaha high that well. The people playing play money actually do try hard so it really is a good way to learn. The reason they try hard is cause if you 500k play chips on Full Tilt poker you can enter a real money tournament. So play money is played with quite a bit of seriousness. I have learned alot about play Omaha well screwing around with play money. Should have a small amount of real money soon and start grinding low stakes HA games. It will be fun. Not really relying on it as a source of income though, just gonna have a good time, but play my best ofcourse. Not the kind of good time were I'm playing foolishly, I'm just saying I actually enjoy playing HA and gonna start playing for low stakes soon and it should be easier to make money when I'm actually having a good time.
The other reason I call this post HA! HA! HA! is right here, check this out:

Copy and paste away.

My explanation for why poker is a game of skill is different. It goes more like this:

Sometimes poker appears to be a game of luck because often people who make that judgement are stating this just based on a relatively small sample of hands. Everytime you fold the worse hand you do lose something, but minimize your loss. Everytime you fail to fold the worse hand you lose as well, but lose more.
Everytime you have the winning hand you win something, but how much money your opponent puts in the pot depends on how you bet, also what they have, or how on tilt they are, etc.
So basically over the course of 100 hands you may have had the worse hand 80 times and the best hand only 20. Its a crazy mathemical rariety, but it happens. If you folded 80 times you played well, you lost, but lost as little as you could. Someone else with the exact same cards with a run of hands so shitty that you would have the worse hand 80 out of 100 deals, would have lost a lot more. Anytime the outcome with the same run of cards between two people is different, skill inverably is a factor. In other "gambling games" it wouldn't matter who spun the wheel, or rolled the dice. The outcome would be the same.
Now an observer over this short period of time (100 hands) may look at you and say that you lost cause the other guy just had the best hand 80% of the time. But in actuality you just experienced a freakish mathematical algorithm and saved as much as you could. And eventually over the next couple of hundred hands the luck by mathematical certainty has to even out. And you will have your upswing and be winning more than someone who lost more than they should while they were unlucky.
In short everyone is the same amount of lucky over time. Therefore how could luck be a factor if everyone is the same amount of lucky? Do you see how little sense it makes to say poker is a game of luck? If no one is any luckier than anyone else how the fuck can it be a factor. Skill is everything, just takes a lot longer to show than anything other competition. 5 minutes of basketball is 5 hours of poker. The lead the Lakers will have over the Clippers in 5 minutes will depend on a lot of factors. How many lucky bounces, how many friendly rolls, who's shooting touch is hot, who's isn't. Luck is a factor in everything in life, but luck doesn't last, luck evens out.
After 5 minutes the Clippers may be winning, but by the 4th quarter is 95-81 Lakers almost every time. After 5 hours of poker you may have been so handicapped by a short term mathemical rariety all you could do is fold and cut your losses. But after 50 hours of poker, there is no fuckin way people your better than will ever beat you, theres just no fuckin way.
50 hours of poker is like 4 quarters of bball. It just takes a really long time for skill to show.
People think cause its a card game its a game of luck. It's not, people who are good fold when they're beat, people who suck don't fold when they're beat. And everyone is beat the same amount of time in the longrun.
These dooshbags who who say poker is a game of luck after playing for a few hours and takin a few bad beats, well, it's pretty much the same thing as watching 4 seconds of basketball, seeing Jamal Crawford chuck up a 36 foot fade away 3 pointer that goes in and saying bball is a game of luck.
If you still think its about luck, lets schedule a date and you can play me heads up, you will lose. I'm not worried about posting this challenge, cause all the people that could actually beat me know its not about luck. So the only people that would actually accept are poker ignorant conformists who will probably suck out on me with a flush draw the first hand and then start saying "HA! HA! HA! HA!" I'm better than you, I just beat you this one hand.

disclaimer: if we were actually to go through with this challenge there would have to be an agreed upon number of hands.

No one really knows how many hands it takes to mathematically cancel out the luck factor. I suspect is probaly somewhere between 3-500 thousand. If your really smart you should work on figuring this out right now, who ever figures it out first is gonna be a very rich man, or woman of course. See I didn't forget about you cutie pies I know your smart too.

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