Thursday, May 7, 2009

Under Construction

Two weeks they say before you'll actually start seeing a difference when it comes to working out and watching what you eat. 2 weeks of keeping up all it takes, doing what you gotta do everyday, avoiding what you gotta avoid, taking every measure and not cheating. 2 weeks just to see some level of progress. And who knows how many months before the full desired result is achieved. Gonna be under construction for a while before we see any buildings go up. I'm really looking forward to the 2 week mark, just to see that I'm getting somewhere.

I don't know what happened. I woke up Monday morning and felt this crazed kind of motivation to just start doing this. I don't know how it just popped in like that, it was not a gradual change. I mean I have been thinking of doing it forever, but no physical action toward it in the longest time. Then all of a sudden boom. Well actually, that's not entirely true, like a week and a half back I ran for 20 minutes 3 days in a row on this elliptical I have in my basement. But then I got off the routine and proceeded to just chill and overindulge myself for like the second half of that week.

I think I was kind of disgusted by that or something cause on Monday I woke up so enthusiastic like high on life or something, I don't know what the fuck happenned. I've even been getting my room organized and trying to get some organization as far as the massive amounts of clothes I have. Otherwise the room wasn't to bad.

The same as my physique which isn't really that bad I just am not jacked at all and it pisses me off. Everything is pretty normal but my gut def needs shaping up. You'd would have a better idea but I don't really ever post pictures of myself, or take enough videos.

Soon enough I will go back to Atlantic City for a mini vacation and film a mini documentary on how much cash I can win in a small period of time. That would be a cool little video to post on here, but I'm not about to shoot a before and after video of my out of shape ass.

I literally have been writing down everything I've been doing and eating and drinking. Just skip this list and read on, its pretty boring.

May 4 2008 ran 40 mins on elliptical
ate seafood salad with house dressing, 2 energy bars
drank 1 cup coffee and massive amounts of water

May 5 ran 40 mins, 40 pushups
ate huge grilled chicken salad w/ mushroom salad w/ oil + vinegar dressing
5 energy bars, 1 cold chicken cutlet
1 cup coffee + lots of water

May 6 ran 40 mins, 40 pushups
ate fried tilapia and broccolli, 3 energy bars, 1 cold chicken cutlet
1 cup coffee, 1 cup green tea + water

May 7 so far 32 mins of running, 40 pushups, lifted some weights
ate 2 energy bars and a banana, probly more salad and shit later
1 cup coffee + water

So thats 4 days of this bullshit done, 11 more days and I am passed the two week hump and should see some sort of change. There are certain television programs I always watch and figured since I'm always down here watching this at this time no matter what, why not just run on the elliptical while its on. Watching your favorite show makes 40 mins running fly by. I recommend trying this if your a fatty and want hot sexy ladies to like you. What I really mean is if you know you wanna exercise and have trouble getting started, try this, it works pretty well.

Francisco has 13 minutes of our film The Penicilin Advance finished. He has another 10 or so minutes to go and the final cut will be ready. Me and Kirk went to his house last night and watched a rough copy of the first half. It was awsome and I watching myself act kicks ass. Francisco said he should have a final cut ready soon enough. There are some scenes that are not shot as well as we would have liked but overall I loved watching the first half. And in our second production we will improve upon the mistakes we made.


Editing is 55% complete, still under construction, coming soon. So many things to look forward to our under construction as of now. The independent film we have made, my physique, and my coffee shop should be opened by early June. Next post will be all about this cafe and its logo and maybe even a menu sample. As for now I will continue to look forward to the finished product of many ventures under construction, and I haven't even mentioned my bankroll, God knows how many hard hats and steal beams and cement mixers its gonna take to get that where it needs to be.............


Joe Fiorello said...

Yo man,

I added you to my links. Good stuff.

Tomasz Mlynarski said...

good luck with the work out routine, although i find it rather boring to run. I would recommend some kind of competitive sport. Since it's probably hard now-a-days to get enough people for ball, maybe racquet ball since its just 2 people. It's harder to break the habit too if someone else is waiting to play with you.