Thursday, March 26, 2009


I have nothing more to say. I'm done posting in here. Lets call it all more of a sociological experiment as opposed to a live journal. In an experiment in what happens to the mind when all you do for money is play poker and nothing else. I am not playing much poker as of late, am going into some more industry based type of entrepreneurship for the time being. This site is suppossed to be a daily outlook on the life of professional poker. All I really ever talked about was how insane I was going from playing so much.
Now I haven't played much lately and won't be playing as much in the near future. There won't be hand historys or graphs or stats for a while so I see no reason to post. So I believe this site loses its integrity. So I'm done posting I guess.
Or maybe I'll post shit I don't know. Just feel like I'm ripping off the audience if I'm not skepticating about poker.
Well I'm entering the more industry based entrepreneurship with poker in mind, in order to ensure funds to go along with poker. I look forward to playing in the future. I won't go insane from playing to much and I'll play less and win more. It always works out like that. Playing only when your in the mood to play is key.
So basically I'm going to be into other things for a bit, I don't know how long. So I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for this website.
Have a cup of coffee on me and think about it.
Is there any reason to even post anymore?

1 comment:

Tomasz Mlynarski said...

i say keep up the blog. i like knowing that there is someone out there more miserable then i am