Friday, March 20, 2009

Regular Society?

I don't know if I can function in regular society. It doesn't seem for me, never has, as far back as I can remember. I never liked school, never did well. I didn't and still do not see how anyone could approach schoolwork as a worthy measuring stick as to who should get ahead in life.
A lot of people see it school work as a challenge to work the hardest. If they work harder in school they deserve the better grades, and should get into the better schools, therefore get the best jobs and have the most money. If someone works their ass off to get straight A's there whole life and then goes to a good college and then tops it off with a lucrative job they feel justice is served, and those who are mowing their lawn deserve to be where they are because they didn't put the work in when they were in school.
I for one have never seen it this way. I've always felt those who work the hardest deserve results, and those who are lazy deserve nothing as well. But as far as applying such to the school system I have never bought into it. The fact that your learning about subjects you really don't need to know is wrong. The fact that they stick you in a classroom for so many hours a day, and then you get homework, reports, hours of study time for midterms and finals, all to take in useless material is wrong. Very, very little of what you learn in school will ever be applied in the real world. And any of the real necessities in life are taught at very low grade levels, and could of been taught by anyone.
Education is really just books. If you wanna read and be educated, by all means do it. But to force people to learn is stealing their life away. Telling them if they don't learn all this bullshit they won't get good grades, then won't get into college, won't get a good job...... Its all very wrong in my eyes and always has been. These teachers think because they go over a book with you there educating you. It was the book, not the teacher. Education is just books. The whole system is just stealing people's time. And everyone just buys into it. Everyone does the work and makes the best of the situation. Everyone stays positive, looks at the brightside, and does the work, cause they want good grades, so they can go to college, and get good jobs.
From the very beginning I knew it was wrong. And I have never tried in school, except for one semester of community college cause I wanted to get into real college badly.
So people often remain ashamed with bad grades and proud of high scores. But if you think deeper into it, you shouldn't be proud unless you think deeper. And see it doesn't matter, and the whole system is so, so wrong. Keeping people inside classrooms 8 hours a day for the better part of their youth just seems like stealing their life away.
Who's to say your not going to be tragically killed in some kind of accident as a teenager? And you've spent your whole life locked in a classroom, forced to learn information you really don't need to know. Is that a life you could look back on with no regrets?
There has to be some better way to do it, I don't have the answers, but I know this one is quite nazi. People tell me I'm crazy all the time, they're always a group ganging up on me to inform how wrong I am whenever I talk.
I just don't seem to function in regular society. I've always thought so differently than everyone else. I've been busy all week taking this bartending course. Two of my friends took it with me and are so excited and happy the whole time. Studying rampantly, talking about how much fun making drinks is. They just go through it with a smile and see everything as a great opportunity.
Its been a very depressing week for me, as I feel myself delving back into regular society and fitting into the system. At one point I wanted to knock the drinks off the table and storm out of the room. I can't stop thinking about what a sucker I am and I'm so unintelligent that I have to get people alcohol and hope for nice tips as my source of income. Don't I have another more intelligent way to get money?
I do, but I need more money to make it work. The fact that I don't have a bankroll right now is all my fault. I mean I didn't do it on purpose, but my failure to consistently earn has nothing to do with bad luck. I guess I can just take comfort in the fact that anyone else who is going to be serving drinks for money, or whatever they do for money is gonna get a paycheck and thats it. I can work, get a paycheck and consistently turn it into more money.
Poker will always be a great skill to have, but relying solely on it financially really hasn't been the smartest decision.
But anyway I've been really depressed all week taking this course. I'm not suppossed to be getting up at 730am everday to take orders. I'm suppossed to be so good at poker that I don't need anyone but me. But thats not happenning right now, and its all my fault. I am in this position cause I played bad so much. Whether its my fault or not, I'm still here and I hate being part of regular society. And I don't even have a job yet. I'm not even gonna get my certificate till next Friday, a week from now, if I pass this practical test. My friends passed it today, barely. It's gonna be rough. But you can take it every Friday for a year if you fail and you don't ever have to take the course over. So the hard part is over for me, next Friday I'll most likely be all done. Then they'll place me in a job somewhere and I'll do this bartending thing for a bit. Hopefully not for too long................
It's really embarassing to write on here about how I have to get a job. And being part of regular society makes me wonder why were all here on earth in the first place. Everyone I talk to always has their way of looking at the brightside of things. It can be depressing talking to me as my outlook on life is so bleak. But let me just say it one more time......

What is the point?

You have to have money to live right? And you like living so much that your gonna make sure you keep living, so you make sure you have money. So you keep on working so you can have money so you can keep living. If you stopped working you would stop living, so you keep working. And your working the whole time to ensure you keep living. But all your really doing while your living is working. So your working to keep living but your really not living cause all your really doing is working. It's a catch 22...............

So what is the point?

"Oh come one Frank, your home now, you got 5,6,7 hours before you have to go to sleep, you got the whole night."

So you get up a 7:30am be at work at 9, get out at 5. Asleep by 12 so you can make sure you wake up early enough to get to work. So more than half of your waking hours aren't even dedicated to you, but to the system. Were all just pawns. And everyone looks at the brightside, does it, makes the best of it. And whenever I say something everyone tells me to shutup and that I'm fucked up in the head. You all just have your way of rationalizing it..........

I don't know, I don't have the answers, not saying anyone's right or wrong. You try and think outside the box, you wind up broke, unfortunately. I just see this whole existence as kind of meaningless. Sorry to depress you if I did. Just check out the hotty of today up top, I'll try to find a real gorgeous one today. Pilsner girls are the one truly great and uplifting thing about being a guest on this otherwise meaningless rock called Earth. Anytime you feel down, remember them. I said I'd never post her picture on my site, I had her for some post a while back but took her off cause she looked to much like a certain someone. But I need a real special girl for this post, as long as where talking about the lone reason to go on, I guess the girl that reminds of her is the only one that makes sense. (sigh)

1 comment:

Tomasz Mlynarski said...

just because existence is meaningless doesn't mean it has to be miserable.