Sunday, February 15, 2009

Almost Finished

We wrapped up shooting last night, so my part is done. The film is almost fully complete. Now the director, Francisco and his crew will just have to do all the editing and the movie will be ready to watch. I have seen random clips on the crew's laptops but these scenes didn't have sound edited in and will be much different once the finish product is released. Obviously I haven't seen anything in any kind of order, so I'm almost as much in the dark as anyone as to what the final cut will actually look like.

See me, Frank Carlino as wise cracking Private Bailey, an American soldier in the last days of World War II.

"The Penicillin Advance" coming to a theater near you or should I say we will be handing out as many CD's as we can of the film, reserve yours today. I estimate about 2 weeks before editing is done and the movie is officially released. It should run about 20-30 minutes.

Regarding poker, I don't even wanna talk about it. Still can't take the low stakes seriously and am not getting anywhere. Trying to sell my car so I can start playing for something that matters. My heads all about the movie right now. And I wanna start writing a lot of my novel per day. Everyone in the crew and the cast got along great and there wasn't any arguments or conflict at all in 4 long days and nights of shooting. We will work together again for sure and make many more movies, everyone has a lot of ideas for future projects. Peace out everybody.

1 comment:

Tomasz Mlynarski said...

it really worked out for you guys that Carmel looks like a bombed out ww2 village.