Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Winning Mindset

Last night I layed in bed sad about this whole month and all the bullshit I've caused myself. I was broke everywhere and owed some money, nothing I have to pay off immediately, but felt very very down. I remembered rebuilding my bankroll 2 months back and was wondering how the hell I did it. I then remembered that I can't let the dream die. Ya see when I was in college someone I loved more than life itself bounced out, never to return. I spent a long time very distraught and lost. I'll always remember this one night where I finally saw a version of the future that made me feel reaziliant. I don't care if thats not how you spell reaziliant.

I had a vision of being out of college and being on my own, living in Las Vegas and playing poker full time, with a big bankroll and freedom from societal obligations. And then truly enjoying life like I have never been able to, and making happen what I had at college at one point. I set out to make it happen that night and it was the only thing that made me feel better. I began to come out of the trance that this beautiful angel had left me in.

I was so close this last week to giving up on the dream and just being like everyone else. I wanted to just work and never play again. Then I remembered that vision of the future and felt like it may not be as unrealistic as I felt like it was lately. A deep soothing calmness came over me. I played a sit and go tourny with more patience that I have ever played anything. I reached the money and had 11 tournament dollars to my name. I nursed a shortstack back to respectability to slide into the money, when I was down to almost nothing for 3-4 rounds.

I awoke this morning in the same relaxed calm confident mindset. I've played very very low stakes all day and have tryed very very hard regardless. I look back at some of the success I had and see that anyone who can win large amounts of cash everyday for a month obviously has some ability. And the losing streaks are not a function of luck, but of the truly patient mindset fleeing. The only obstacle to overcome is to stay in the mindset I am in now forever. When I do I can make the dream happen. I just wrote this:

-The Winning Mindset-

The winning mindset is one of patience, and wisdom, true understanding of the game and possibly even life itself. Understand that the game is bigger than you and the world does not revolve around you. Your not entitled to anything, there is no such thing as luck. To feel like you are unlucky cause you lost a hand is adolescant and dispicable. The winning mindset is oblivious to emotions caused by swings. Swings will always be there, as inevitable as the air we breathe. If you could see through a players cards you would still have downswings. Everytime you fold, it's a mini downswing. In the longrun the luck will even out. In the short term you experience extremely lucky runs of cards or extremely unlucky runs of cards. We must remember that in the wrong mindset unlucky runs will cause us to lose our money fast, and lucky runs will cause us to lose our money slow. In the winning mindset unlucky runs will only temporarily stall or set us back, and lucky runs will fill our pockets with cash at an hourly rate that will destroy that of any occupation we could get.

The winning mindset causes an inevitable upswing, the wrong mindset causes an inevitable downswing. Keep up the winning mindset and stay on the upswing. May the Lord strike me dead if I ever waste another dollar playing foolishly or without giving my all. May the tilt monster forever sleep. I hereby pledge to spend the rest of my days in the WINNING MINDSET.

Day 1 January 27, 2009 Began with 0 real dollars and 11 tourny dollars. Ends with 26 tournament dollars and 12 real dollars.

Categorization: UPSWING.

Its very embarrassing to have 12 dollars right now, but whatever no one reads this shit. It will be more tomorrow. And I know it will keep growing, cause of the ridulously patient mindset I am currently entranced in. I need to find a really sexy girl for this post, its a special one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been reading from the start.
Just don't lose focus, every player has gone broke before. If you want it bad enough it will work out for you. Just need to concentrate, stay focused, have patience. A big problem of mine is I want it all now, you seem to be the same way. You have to keep thinking long term and you will get there. Take it day by day and don't give up. Just be patient. You're still young and have the time to take things slow.