Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mindnumbingly Confident

I don't think I could lose money even if I tried right now. I don't know what the hell was wrong with me the other week. But even since last post I have been patient as a whistle. I don't know how patient a whistle is but I heard that expression before. I guess I just wanted money way to fast and was trying to send myself a check alot quicker than it was plausible to get one. I was forcing it I guess, and I really fucked myself. I was trying to win all the money in a matter of days and not exercising the patience and discipline required to win. I wasn't in THE WINNING MINDSET at all. It's crazy how it all started when I had to give Narska his money and had to cash out. Leaving me with only 250, and I couldn't take the low stakes seriously. So I went busto. Then I conjured up another 250 from tournament dollars but couldn't take the low stakes seriously again. Then I randomly had another 100, and another 200, I explained this all already, I tryed to make it all grow way to quickly and lost it. Then I was still broke and owed like 500. Just to think, just a few days back I had 250 and didn't owe shit but I was so impatient. Then all of a sudden I had zero and owed 500.
Thats when I hit rock bottom, and THE WINNING MINDSET emerged. I stated last post I had 12 dollars, lol. I said it was embarassing but I know it will grow because of the ridiculous amount of patience I felt.
Well yesterday I started with the 12 and ended with 60. Again playing low low stakes, even lower than the stakes I couldn't take seriously when I only had 250, but this time patient as whistle, in the right frame of mind and just playing hard. Today I started with 60 and pokerstars awarded me 10 free bucks because people I played against were caught colluding, there accounts were confiscated and split up between all the players they colluded against. So I started with 70. I ended today with 105. So 12, the other day, 105 today, two straight days with upswing. My mind is not bothered by the low stakes at all. I feel so good and confident and patient, its only a matter of time b4 I have a G again and will have my 20 buyins necessary to 4 table 50 max and make 40 bucks an hour.
I played 5c 10c or 10max buy in which is pretty much one fifth as big a stakes as my normal game. And I made 38 bucks in like 1300 hands. Some of the players play real real bad at those stakes, its hard to not call an all in with AK when the bet is only 4 bucks.
Its just crazy how ingrained my mind is right now into THE WINNING MINDSET. I don't think I mentally or physically could tilt off money even if I wanted to. I feel great. I'm generally in a better mood and feel very financially secure. Even food tastes better, everything is just superb.
I even am finding hot bitches to be hotter. Like how hot is Kristen Bell?

Look at this fuckin beaute. Wowza wowza wowza.
I mean this girl is so fuckin hot its crazy. She reaches levels of hotness so extreme the mind can actually mistake the physical attraction for feelings of true love.

Damn, I feel like i want to marry this girl right now. But ofcourse I don't, I don't even know her. But my mind thinks it does. I hate pitching a tent when I'm trying to write. Anyway, heres the hand of the day:
If I smooth call the flop I still bust him, however a reraise on the flop is still the correct play. The turn coulda been a scare card. And here is a graph of the swings of the session, the green line is rising, thats all that matters.....
Thanks for all comments and support from my readers, I appreciate the encouragement. Gonna be reporting alot more graphs with upswing and hands of the day. Peace out all, yo Rob if your reading when I get some dough together we should def meet up in AC. Enjoy the rest of the posts.

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