Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Apologies

I haven't written in a long time due to an unfortunate chain of events that is currently being rectified. I owed my buddy Tom 12oo bucks and had to pay him back sooner than I thought cause he got his wisdom teeth taken out. Jackass.
So I cashed out a lot of money to pay him on short notice. Now I'm rebuilding slowly and carefully, will be up and running and cashing out soon, less than a week. But it's been taking a while and I have not written since I have nothing to say about poker. I am very excited about some new plans I'm going to incorporate into my daily money getting routine. I have some high percentage of failure yet low risk but extremely high reward type of plans. Gotta get a G back on Stars first, taken my time. I got xbox360 so I haven't wanted to play as much too, lol.
However in a couple of days I'll have my routine going again and the xbox360 will help me make money online cause I'll have something else to do besides fuck around and 'gamble' when I've ready played a serious 1500 hand session. This along with my high percentage of failure yet low risk, very high reward type plans should accelerate my money saving. I'm not going into details right now about what it is. Don't want people stealing my ideas.
I not longer wish to talk about BBL on this website and have mixed feelings about bringing that up so many times. Gonna concentrate more on money and poker and will possible be introducing a hand replayer, be able to visualize for you the most intriguing hand of each session. I keep forgetting this is a poker website.
Poker is a great game. Treat your opponents with respect, and when they suck out on you don't be an asshole to them. Appreciate the game for what it is, if you lose I by product of someones mistake, shake it off and smile. Don't make poker miserable for everyone at the table. The game is bigger than you.
I found an incredibly hot picture of this girl who will remain nameless up top. Thats part of the reason I wrote today. I'll get back to you once my account is back in shape. I play as Frizanko on xbox live find me and play me in Madden if you have it. You don't have it? Get it, now. Peace. No who else is hot? You ever watch Double Shot at Love? One of the lesbians who got booted like 3 weeks back. Jen, the skinny blind. I bet I could convert her. Not that I think I'm like so goodlooking I just think I could talk her into it. I would like a try, it would an interesting challenge. Have you ever tried converting a lesbian? Let me know. I feel more comfortable trying to convert a lesbian than a regular girl cause then at least theres no pressure. If she turns you down at least your not saying to yourself "What is so great about these other guys compared to me? I think she's crazy, I'm fine. But that sucks she sees something she doesn't like."
At least with a lesbian you'd be saying "Well, it's not my fault she likes girls, nothing I can do." So theres not rejection to deal with really.
It'd be pretty funny if she's like shouting out at you after while "I AM NOT INTERESTED! I DON'T LIKE GUYS."
And you kept saying "Come on. I know you want to." Or "It's because I'm fat? It' because I clean pools?"
This entity of the female persuasion I used to hang out with alot called me the other day and pretended she wanted to hang out just to get some kid's cell number. It was one of those obvious situations where it would have been better off if she just said "Hey Frank I'm not calling cause I wanna chill or anything just need a number." Thats what I woulda said. Who cares, just be honest. It's not like I give a shit whether you call or not.
Leave me comments, peace out.

1 comment:

PJ said...

She can't remain nameless if her name is in the URL of her picture, Frank.

PS: I would have pulled Narska's wisdom teeth for $650.