Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I may have mentioned this previously in another post. But I played poker with this older guy in AC months back. He told me that "The only difference between a professional poker player and an amateur is a professional has no other way to make money when he's running bad."
I used to think the title of amateur was so negative. You gotta realize in this day and age there are a lot of good players and it doesn't have to be the only thing you do in order to be a good player.

I can't seem to not go insane from playing. I had a conversation with my friend Kirk a while back. We always talk about how so many people don't understand how you really can do this for a living and make lots of dough. The thing is when your playing against people your better then you simply make a profit over time, luck is irrelevant. You have an edge, and it equals profit, the same way a slot machine has a house edge over the players that transfers to profit over time.

However we did agree on one thing. Poker is guaranteed money as long as you play well and bring the A game all the time. But like I've said a million times b4 everytime you bring anything less than the A game it costs you. And the edge slips away, and no profit can be made.

And I guess I have to admit it on this blog. I can't guarantee that I can keep up the A game. I can't guarantee I won't go insane. I've had lots of good long streaks of consistency, but I don't know. I just can't guarantee I can not lose my mind.

Maybe when I have more money to work with things will be different. I don't wanna commit to something else because I will lose the freedom poker offers. Cash games just slowly make me insane. Heres a thread I just started on twoplustwo

I still wanna make it work. I miss living in AC. Need money. Got no bankroll to work with. Buy my car. So bummed at the moment. I'm sure things will improve soon enough, just sucks right now. But even when I do have money, isn't it just a matter of time b4 I lose my fuckin mind again. I'm in quite the quandry right now. Cheer up, Kelly Kapowski is here!

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