Sunday, November 2, 2008

November is here and I think I've got my life back

I actually think I lost my life for a week or two. I literally had no money for a small period of time. And even then while I was building a bankroll from scratch online I really had no way of touching the money. I didn't wanna send for a check because I had to keep money online to play with and it wasn't till I reached 1 grand that I could even think about cashing out. And even when I did cash out it would take 2 weeks for me to receive my check in the mail. So it was looking like I was gonna be financially handicapped for a while.
But I started to see that when I have money on me I just buy uneccessary things with it. Particularly big sandwiches. Or maybe a magazine I don't need. Maybe spend it on some 'fun'. 'Fun' I don't need to be having and is way to expensive. So I kind of like it better this way. Now I'm only gonna spend money when I need it. And I don't have to worry about how long a check is going to take to get here. Ya see my friend Narska has a Pokerstars account and he gives me cash and I transfer him money online. It's a pretty butter system. It's like the quickest and easiest way to cashout. And I don't spend alot cause I know it's coming out of my bankroll. So I pretty much only spend money now on things I need.

It's pretty funny his dad is pretty rich and careless with money. He's plays on Narska's account and refuses to play anything less than 1,2 with a 200 max buy in online. He really should learn the game playing lower stakes but refuses to play anything less than 200 max (1,2). I play 1,2 at the casino and it's easy to beat but online it's different. 1,2 is the lowest stakes you can play live cause it's all the casino's offer. But online all the fish are playing much lower stakes cause there are so many different levels or options. So 1,2 is a tough game. And this guy is just blowing probly 3-500 a day playing it. He can afford it so it really doesn't matter to him. Wow, some of those online 1,2 pros must be doing cartwheels everytime Tomasz187 or whatever his name is sits at their table.

So I'm most likely going to get a lot of business from Narska's dad when he wants to make another deposit. I currently owe 60 bucks that I'm going to transfer over to Narska when he needs it. My plan is to keep a minimum of 1,100 dollars in my account and cashout everything else. I'm gonna make it a rule that I can't have less than 1,100 in my account so I can't spend any money until I get my balance over 1,100. Right now I have 1,165 so I gotta send Narska 60 bucks and then play, play, play if I wanna see any money.

So lets say at the end of this week my balance is 1,600 bucks, I'll send a check for 400 to myself and then send 100 over to Narska and get 100 cash instantly which should hold me over till the check arrives. I think I'm going to keep 4 tabling 25 max and then only play 50 max when I've already up on the day from 25 max can play 50 max with house money (freerolling). I want to wait till I have like 1500-2000 to start up 4 tabling 50 max but it's going to be difficult now that I'm starting to send myself money. I'm still figuring out what I wanna do.

I think I can definately put in some more hours starting tomorrow. Today I don't feel like doing anything cause it's Sunday. I'm just watching sports all day. I play some limit holdem while watching the Jets game and made 12 bucks, lol. So I'm up like 32 so far for November. November is going to be a very exciting month because it's my first full month with pokertracker, and with an actual bankroll online that I can churn out profits with. So I hope to make over 3,000 profit this month. Here's how October went for me online (keep in mind this is not a full month and half the time I couldn't play high enough stakes cause I was still rebuilding):

October Cash games:

Oct 15th: +23
16th: -113
17th: +88
18th: even
19th: +74
20th: +39
21st: +115
22nd: +147
23rd: +72
24th: -124
25th: +123
26th: +39
27th: +78
28th: +124
29th: +98
30th: +90
31st: took day off

Total Cash games: +873 (57 hours)

Total tournaments: +260 (? hours)

Total October Winnings: +1,133 (57+ hours)

Poker tracker cant record tournies so I gotta do it manually. I'm gonna make so much dough this November. I'm going to try and play some more of those FPP tournies it's a relatively easy way to make 20 bucks with no risk. So after my usual cash session 4 tabling 25 max where I make about 20/hour I'm going to play a bunch of free tourney's. It's not impossible to make 200 a day even without moving up to 50 max cash. Gonna put more hours in each day starting tomorrow. Very exciting. How much do you think I should save up before I move out? I think at least 15k, suggestions? Damn it feels good to have my life back.

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