Saturday, November 8, 2008

Another Atlantic City Trip Report

I am very upset over a recent turn of events in AC. I actually had a losing session last night at the Borgata. I lost 205 to be exact. The weirdest situation I may have ever encountered at a poker table caused me to cripple my stack. I really feel like it wasn't my fault at all. Think of all the ways there are to lose a huge pot in a poker game. 1) a cooler 2) bad beat 3) failed bluff
For those of you who don't know a cooler is when you have an unbelievably strong hand and someone happens to have one of the only hands that can beat you. And your hand is really nto foldable, even if Phil Ivey was in the same situation he would of lost, thats a cooler.

A bad beat is simply a suckout, you get all your money in with way the best hand and your opponent catched a miracle card when he or she was drawing very very slim. And I'm not going to explain what a failed bluff is.

Ofcourse I found a way to lose a big pot that does not match up with any of these. It was just so strange. What happenned was I read my opponent perfectly and I knew he wanted me to fold, he sincerely, truly wanted me out. So I stuck my money in. The problem is the reason he wanted me to fold. It wasn't your regular kind of logic.

Anyway, to break it down, I wake up with QQ in the big blind. The 3rd best possible starting hand out of the 169 possible starting hands in texas holdem. This kid to my left is going all in for his last 40 bucks like every hand cause he is on tilt. I'm sitting with about 260 and am salivating with my QQ about to pick up his 40 bucks unless he sucks out on me. I'm just waiting for everyone to fold so I can gladly call. QQ is never an automatic stick all your money in with nothing invested in the pot kind of hand in a cash game, but when the guy is moving all in almost every hand cause he is on tilt, you know QQ is definately the best hand.

So it folds around to everyone but the last guy who is on my immediate right. He decides to reraise the bet to 100 total. Now I am in quite the quandry. I'm pretty sure quandry means problem.

Anyway ususally I'll just muck QQ in about 2 seconds flat preflop when someone reraised to 100. However, this situation was different. You see he(the guy who made it 100) doesn't need that strong of a hand to reraise because he is going to want to isolate against the kid who was all in for 40. Because obviously that kid doesn't have that big of a hand since he's going all in so often. So with most medium strength hands that are easily outdrawable your going to want to isolate so you can be one on one against the tilted all in kid's hand.

This made me feel like QQ was definately good here. How can I really be up against KK or AA. We both know the all kid has crap, is this guy really reraising to 100 with KK or AA? He can't be, it makes so much sense that he has a mid pocket pair 88 - JJ or maybe AK. He can't have QQ beat here cause I know he just wants to isolate.

With this this information present I decided to interrogate the dude on my right who made it 100. And thats when the strangeness all went down. He gave off every weakness tell in the book. The way he answered my questions, his reaction time, his mannerisms. Everything read weakness. I was about stick my money in as I grabbed my chips and he says 'I'm gonna call you ya know' and he said a variety of other weak, weak tells. Now I can read people, I trust my instinct. He wanted me to fold so badly. Everything that was coming off his body just exuded weakness. I've been in this situation so many times and I knew he had like 88 or 99, he had to. And I decided to move all in for 250. He called right away and I knew he had kings. The way he quickly called. I asked him, kings? He says yeah. And I double him up. I'm now sitting with 30 bucks in front of me.

Ya see all the weakness tells were not exactly weakness, it was strength however he did sincerely want me to fold. And I read that perfectly. He was one of those misinformed players who misunderstands poker and doesn't see it terms of long term results. He was sincerely concerned his KK would be outdrawn and honestly wanted me to fold. He wasn't so smart that he knew everything to do to make me call, it wasn't like that at all. He actually wanted me to fold! It was kind of like his stupidity and unwillingness to be an 80% or at worst 70% percent favorite won him a bunch of money. He wanted me out cause he was a pussy, I read it perfectly that he wanted me out. I made a great read, but the problem was he wanted me out for the wrog reasons. I know I've explained this for way to long but I just want you to understand. It's hard for people who don't play to see what happenned here. I could not rebuy cause my friend Narska had the rest of my money cause I gave him 130 of my chips to rebuy himself. I went all in 20 mins later for my last 30 bucks, I held KK ironically and lost to the same guy, he had 97 suited..........

If you don't understand what I mean and think I just couldn't lay down QQ then leave a comment. I assure you I've layed down QQ preflop like 4 million times in my life. I promise you I made the right choice. There was no way I can assume he is just a pussy who doesn't wanna get all his money as a huge favorite and thats why his body is exuding all these tells that say 'please fold'

I know I could played it safe and just mucked it cause I had zero dollars invested but I trust my reads so much. So thats how I lost a huge pot without really doing anything wrong. On the waj home I wouldn't shut the fuck up about the hand. It was so strange, and BBL has been running through my mind with alot more frequency than normal lately for some reason. And that hand has been really bugging me. I should have like 200 cash on me right now.

AC TRIP summary

Day 1) Tropicana +300 in 6 hours

Day 2) Harrahs +46 in 1.5 hours Borgata -205 in 3 hours

Total) +141 profit......... enough for room, gas, and food, no extra money, back home grinding online. Which is going really well, I'll post a graph tomorrow.

Oh yeah my friend Narska loves Atlantic City so much he wants to go like every week, so were gonna go alot. Next time will stay longer and win more. Peace out all...........

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