Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Ahhhhhh. Now that I've got some money I can feel myself taking it easy. You would think it wasn't till I moved out that I would relax, but no. I'm gonna wind up living here till I'm 35, maybe 75 at this rate.

I can't take 25 max seriously anymore. I'm currently sitting at about 1330 on PokerStars and I've cashed out via transfer 80 bucks. So I'm up roughly 1400 since I started rebuilding on October 9th. I've been playing 50 max now, 4 tables. So I'm basically risking double the money I was. My first full session of 4 tabling 50 max I made 96 bucks in 962 hands or 2.5 hours. My second session I made 158 in 625 hands, just under 2 hours. I began playing them because I've been donking it up at 25 max cause I can't take it seriously. I've probly dropped like 60-70 bucks from my last 2 sessions of 25 max. I'm risking more money playing lower stakes and playing like a jackass then I am playing higher stakes and actually trying. So 50 max it is from now on.

Although my first 2 sessions 4 tabling 50 max have been a sucess I am not happy with how I have been playing at all. Alot of the bigger pots I have won have been on me making marginal calls, or picking off people's bluffs. Honestly though, I can not claim I was 100% sure my opponents were bluffing each time, so these are not the kind of situations I wanna be in. And there not reliable money making situations in the long run. I also won a gigantic pot when my KK saw a flop of 789 when there was already shitloads of money in the pot preflop. My opponent with a big stack, like 100 had really gambled preflop and called a 3 bet with J10! We got it all in as did some idiot with a full stack and flush draw. My KK had a 3% chance of winning against the flopped straight. I couldn't put him on J10, I thought he had 10 10 or JJ. Luckily, an 8 paired the board on the turn and then a K hit the river to give me a full boat. I scooped a massive 200+ dollar pot. It was the size of like an Atlantic City pot, but in a 50 max game, so sick. I was very lucky to win that as I stuck all my money in on the flop with a 97% chance to lose.

So yes my first 2 sessions of 50 max have gone well but I'm gonna have to move back down to 25 max if I have a rough time and see my bankroll go below 1100 again. But as long as I'm willing to move down in stakes if I take a hit, I'll be ok.

The reason why this post it titled 'you stupid idiot' is because I just was fucking around on my computer and was playing some 25 max cause my friend Tom was playing with the money I sent him. I thought it would be fun so I sat at his table and proceeded to donk off like 70+ dollars cause I wasn't taking it seriously. Theres no way I'm gonna play well and concentrate and make money if I'm not in the poker mindset. Thats the dumb shit I used to do. But I did it again tonight. Then I wanted to get it back so like an idiot I began playing some heads up No Limit Holdem. The worst and most addictive drug in the world.

I won all my money back and some more. I played this really aggressive dude who kept betting everytime I checked. We were back and forth for a while and then after an hour he finally quit, down over 100 bucks. It felt great to beat that fronter and see him be the one to give up and leave.

Anyway I'm in AC because we came here on the spur of the moment. Last night I was sitting in my basement and was like 'Mahopac is so boring' and then half joking I was like 'we should just go to Atlantic City right now.' And now I'm here, won 3 hundo today at the Tropicana. I'll have a full trip report when I get back. Peace out all........

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