Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sleep schedule making me crazy

Well times are good, the Knicks are above .500 at 6-5 and the Jets are 7-3. And I'm winning as well. The Knicks are winning, the Jets are winning, and I'm winning! Yesterday I had a ridiculous cash session where I made 375 profit. That fits in nicely with all the cash sessions I reported on in last post. Since November 14, since I've had enough money to 4 table 50 max buyin NLH I have made 1400 bucks in 6 days. Yesterday was my biggest cash since I began rebuilding in October. So I've come a long way and now expect to clear a G every week just by putting 4 hours of hard work a day. I wanna get today's session over with right now but I feel like I'm not exactly in the mindset at the moment. I feel like I'm not going to play well for some odd reason.

I think it has to do with my current sleep schedule. It's very annoying how I am awake right now and have been for 4 and half hours and most people wont be up for another 2 hours. It's 6:30am and I've been up since 2 am. I slept from 5pm to 2am.

Alot of people think I sleep all day but fail to see that I don't sleep all day or anymore than most people. I just sleep at different times and it makes it appear that I'm always sleeping. But while other people are asleep I'm awake doing shit. I don't go up to them at 3 a.m. and call them a lazy fuck and tell them to wake up just becuase I am awake. Thats why I don't understand why people come in my room at 3pm and call me out. It's like they're stupid enough to assume I actually went to bed the same time they did and I'm still asleep. It's really ridiculous how many people are so quick to make assumptions and jump to rash judgements without considering what the whole story may be. Haters man, haters. To many people in this world are shitty people.

Anyway it is kind of annoying the schedule I'm on the last few days. I'm waking up while everyone is sleeping and then I'm in my house working while theyre just getting up or starting work. I'm chillin while people are still at work. And then by the time everyone is off I'm passed out. By the time I wake up everyone else is passed out. Haven't had much of a social life lately and it's really annoying.

Everytime I keep myself awake to try and get back on everyone else's schedule its a real pain in the ass and it only lasts for like a week once I'm back on schedule. Cause I eventually have a shift. It's not like my schedule is just the opposite of everyones, its consistently changing. I think it shifts an hour everyday. Like a few weeks back I was sleeping from 9 am to 5pm. Then 10am to 6pm. Right now its 5pm to 2 am. Tomorrow it might be 7pm to 4 am. It's like there will be window where you can hang out with me when you get off work every other week.

In AC everyone is always up all the time, but not really people I know. So I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I can try to get my self on better schedule where I fall asleep at like 3 am and get up at 11am or noon. Then I can finish playing by 5 or 6pm. And everyone will be off work. But if I kept this up I'd still have to kind of make myself sleep at certain times which defeats the whole purpose of being a poker player and being free to do what you want when you want. So I really am at a loss for words here. Theres really no way to stop the shifts that get my sleep schedule off base with everyone elses. I have already vowed to be so good at poker that I will never again in my lifetime hear the ring of an alarm clock, ever, ever, again.

I think this is why I don't feel like beginning a 1500 hand session right now. Cause I haven't done enough chillin lately and need to let loose and don't feel like dealing with serious poker playing right now. I fear getting on some sort of a schedule may be crucial to keep up the progress I have over the past 6 days. I gotta do this for a full year. Figure every 7 days I make money at least 6 of em and take 1 day off. So I have already made 1400 the past 6 days and I can take today off I guess. If I keep up this routine, assuming I work 6 days a week and 50 weeks a year, I will make about 70k per year. Not bad considering that I only play 4 hours a day. I been winning at a rate of 41 dollars an hour since Nov 14th. Which is double my AC hourly rate.

If I move there and keep my normal online routine which only takes 4 hours each day, and then play live poker at night, were talking about pulling in 2k a week barring any really unfortunate circumstances.

Yeah so anyway I think I might avoid cash games today. I'm playing a step 1 sattelite tournament on pokerstars as we speak. It costs me 2,000 Frequent Player Points to get in. I now have 18k FPPs left. There is 85 players in this tounry and the top 9 players will get a free seat in the real satellite. Assuming I place top 9 today I will be playing in the real satelitte on Sunday. In Sundays tourny 18 players out of probly over 100 will receive an free entry into the Asia Pacific Poker Tour- Sydney main event. Which cost 6 grand to get in. The 18 satelitte winners will also receive 2,500 cash and free hotel accomadations in Sydney Australia.

So all I have to do is come in top 9 right now, only 47 players left, I need a double up bad though. Then come in top 18 sunday out of however many there are, then go to Australia and just win that 6k buy in tourny and bam, I'm a millionaire by 2009. Easy, piece of cake. I really just wanna make it to Australia and then I don't care what happens. 2.5k cash would be nice too. Man PokerStars really treats its players well. I'm probly not gonna make it but at least they're giving me a chance and its not costing me money. By the way you can't just start an account right now and do this, you have to be a VIP member and have alot of FPPs. So if you want to, get started already, its not gonna happen over night.

I really should set aside this 1 day a week to play these satelittes. Its the only way I'm ever gonna be on TV. Only 35 players left but I'm really low in chips. I need a double up bad. I have AQ suited, I'm moving all in....... I won the blinds, still hurting though. I just got AK and moved all in again and lost to Q10 suited. K hit flop but J on turn gave my opponent a straight. I'm out in 33rd place......

Anyway, to revert back to the sleep schedule thing I talked to this guy in Atlantic City about life as a proffessional poker player and he was saying he has a job just to keep himself sane. And how when he was my age it was important to him to be a pro and make a living that way. But now that he is 33 he can see that it wasn't necessarily the best thing for him. And he said that the only real difference between a professional poker player and an amateur is that a pro has no other way to get money when he is running bad. You can still be a serious poker player and a winning player and your no less of a player just because your not a full time pro. He said he was a pro for years but now has a job he doesnt need just to keep him sane. I can see where he's coming from, he saw alot of himself in me and we talked for a bit. I don't know if I see myself doing anything else but when I'm 30, maybe. I still would like to write a whole novel but can't seem to commit.
I'm gonna play cash for a little bit, I need to get my account up to 2k so I can get a damn check already, 175 more to go and I can send myself a G. Another 6 hours b4 I have another shot at that APPT satelitte to a satellite. To much of your dismay I have to remove a very nice picture from an October post entitled 'Feelin Good' I did not realize how much that girl from the new 90210 resembles the likes of BBL. I can not believe I didn't see it until now but its def coming down even though its a great picture. Every fuckin time I see it its like looking at BBL, the resamblance and the body type is crazy, not usually though, just in that one particular photo. It's coming down asap. Sorry, I'll post another of today's fineass baby doll that should ease your pain. Peace out all..............

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