Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Great Comedy is Important

Okay I would just like to say that my friend Rich is the man because he knows great comedy and is willing to sacrifice his own personal welfare in order to delivery a great comedic line. Let me explain, on Halloween this putz dressed up as Sarah Palin. Yeah thats right, and he looked pretty hilarious. So anyway, some one stole the keg from the party we were at and we all ran after them. So Rich, or should I say Mrs Palin, is now in these strangers house yelling that he wants his keg back. They were pretty stunned that a man dressed up like a woman was intruding into their house and accusing them of thievery. It wasn't that big of a schock because it is a college town and it was Halloween, but still the whole scenario was pretty ridiculous. After a few minutes of arguing these kids forcefully remove Rich/Mrs Palin from the house. And as their throwing him out, literally at the same moment he is being tossed out the door, he actually had the presence of mind to shout "Vote republican!"

That my friends, is comedic genius. When you are in danger or some kind of less than perfect situation and all you care about is great comedy, thats an admirable qulaity we should all emulate. From now on I don't care about my well being all I care about is delivering that perfect line. Don't miss your oppurtunity for great comedy, when the situation is right and a great line is necessary you must seize the day.
I will always regret this one missed oppurtunity for great comedy and it pains me to this day. Ya see in my 2nd semester at college I had a suitemate who didn't have any friends on the floor. I was friends with most people on the floor as was everyone except my suitemate. So naturally conflict soon arose when I always had people over in the common room and he didn't ever want company and always went to bed early. Anyway there was like 10 kids in our common room one night and we were playing poker, it was late. We made so much noise that my suitmate finally snapped. He lost it! He barged out of his room and was screaming at the top of his lungs! He came over to the poker table and with one swipe of his arm knocked over all the chips onto the floor. He was like a wild monkey, it was nuts! He wanted to kill me, literally. He then began ripping the cards up, and we all sat their stunned. It was quite the scene. He stormed out of the room and everyone was quiet with disbelief. I sat in my seat, holding half a playing card, the chips were everywhere in the room, scattered. And everyone was silent.

Lord if only I broke the silence by pretending the game was still going and uttering "check"
How hilarious would that have been. Everyone is mortified and doesn't know what to say, the chips are all over the place, the game is obviously done, if only I said 'check' like nothing happenned. God I wish I could have that moment back. I would have been a legend among all comedians.

Anyway just remember what I said, great comedy is imprtant and I'd be willing to take a punch as long as I can deliver a great one liner. I've made one thousand dollars in the last 5 days. I am the man. I've got the bankroll now to make 200 day with ease. Gonna do 200 a day for a while, check should be coming soon. I am the man. I am the man. But I wish I was the comic legend that would of said 'check'
So I've set a goal to make 200 a day since Nov 14th. November was suppossed to be turning over a new lead but you remember how I got high and lost, go back to the post 'yada, yada, yada'
I don't wanna explain it. But since I got back on track I been doing great. So from Nov 14th I've started a clean slate and have reached my goal, averaging 200 a day. I play a minimum of 1500 hands and a max of 2000 everyday then I stop. This system is great. Here's my stats since the 14th:

Nov 14: +279
15th: +132
16th: +375
17th: +39
18th: +215

I am the man. I still have a big problem with being done after only 4 hours and then wanting to play more cause I'm bored and just wanna kill time. But playing just to pass time and not being very serious only leads to money loss so I really just gotta stop after I fill the day's quota of 1500 hands. But it's hard. I'm up close to 2k since I started rebuilding exactly 1 month ago. I should be up 3k but you know, "read yada,yada,yada" God, if I didn't do that I'd have so much more money. But it doesn't matter just gotta stay on this track like I have since Nov 14th and in a year I'll be up 50 grand. Heres a graph of my progress since the 14th, my overall graph is still good but it has a huge downswing in it cause of what I did last weekend, so check this on instead:

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