Friday, September 12, 2008

Hows This Sound?

Well now that I have less than 2k to my name things are finally coming together. Wow, too little to late. I wish I would have thought of this in April, before I started this site, before I ever started online poker. Member the thread I started on 2+2 that I claimed I've gotten no responses too? Well shit, I got 2 potential roommates now who find themselves in the same boat I am in. This one kid who seems mad chill I spoke too said he was going to AC alot to play cash games and treat poker like a job as well but cost of motels, gas, and not knowing anyone down there has worn him thin. It was like talking to myself.

So we were gonna look for a 2 bedroom to save money, you can definately be paying as little as 500 a month in a decent place if you got a roomate. And then this other guy from Baltimore messages me so now maybe even get a 3 bedroom. That will cost us like 400 or less each possibly a month. The more roomates you have, the cheaper, even though that makes more bedrooms to pay for it still always works out cheaper the more people you got. Plus I need as many friends as possible in AC so 3 or even 4 people would be striaght butter.

Paying 350-550 a month for a place 10 minutes from AC on the beach would be a very stress free price. Plus having friends down there so I have a life outside of poker and I can just stay down there for good. Wow! Why didn't I think of this in April when I actually had money? Damn. damnit, damnit, damnit.

Why would I come home. I hit one little bump in the road and I ran back home, what a bitchass. I am so pissed off. Time to take some responsibilty for my own actions. I know I make 25 an hour in AC so why would I come back to Mahopac and play online? I've know for years live is the only way. It's my fault that I stayed here, played online, didn't really lose money but definately did not make 25 an hour. Probly broke even online, or won less than half a G. So I pretty much been home since late April spending money but not making anything. Took a few trips to AC but shit, didn't work, I just didn't work. Yeah I had a decent run online but I knew online wasn't the answer. If I had 25 an hour for every hour I spent online I'd have like 30k lol.

Well can still sell my car and get some sort of bankroll together, then be halfway to 12k again. Shit man, shit, that 12k goal is so unreachable.

But if we get this 3 bedroom place and say were paying like 1300 a month 3 ways. Thats like 450 a month which is a mere 15 bucks a day. Heres a budget plan:

Make 25 an hour (I honestly think I'm gonna make a little more, closer to 30/hr but for arguments sake let think worst case scenario) 25 an hour working 30 hours a week= 750 a week income

So thats 107 dollars a day to live on.

Parking -10 (usually 5 or free through comps cause I play a lot but for argument sakes lets think worst case scenario)

Food -30 (I get comps for this sometimes, and if I go grocery shopping I can save alot but lets just say 30 for arguments sake)

Rent -15

Gas -10

Miscellaneous -40 (beer, fun)

-105 a day, banking 2 bucks a day, lol

This ofcourse is all being extrmely pestimistic. It assumes after you multiply everything by 7 that I'm going to spend 70 a week parking which would never happen. 210 a week on food, which also wouldn't happen. 105 a week on rent is about right. 70 a week on gas, improbable unless I visit home every weekend. 280 a week on having fun? Maybe.....

And then theres always random stuff that costs money. Comments, you guys that have apartments and make in 600-900 a week range. Love to hear some of ur insight.....

1 comment:

snarkybarm said...

Dude, not to sound like a pessimist but there are so many things you're leaving out. Having an apartment is not like living in a hotel; you have to pay for everything. Here's an example of average bills (per month, assuming you have roommates):

Rent: $400
Cable/Internet: $50
Food: $250 (if you go shopping, which you won't)
Gas: depends, probably around $150
Electricity: $50
Heat in winter: $50
Car Insurance: $75

Again, just an average but those are very basic bills (there will be other expenses), and that's already $1000 a month with no spending money for fun shit. And don't forget that being a poker player doesn't carry health insurance or anything like that, so if you need to cover any sort of medical expense you're fucked. Plus, I'd be really surprised if you're AVERAGING $750 a week every week you're living there. Call me crazy and prove me wrong...

You can call me Donny Downer all you want :) but I think living in an apartment is going to be a little more expensive than you think bud.