Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Question For Ya

I can not seem to go through life without encountering sleezeballs at every corner. I try to wade my way through each day only communicating with people that are generally similar to me in the fact that they understand that we are all here on this earth trying to make the best of it and there is no reason to view your fellow human as an enemy. Yet some people, commonly referred to as haters are unavoidable.
Maybe being around poker so frequently has caused me to see more of the darker side of humanity more often than most. For the venue of poker creates a smooth transition into true feelings erupting out of a fake persona. The emotions you will see a poker player go through over a given period of time will often bring out the worst in people. However I'm not really even complaining about this right now as much as I am about how they are naturally even before any hardship. I frequent assholes, or scumbags, sleezeballs, or haters, whatever you wanna call 'em on poker discussion forums. I started a thread talking about my hourly rate playing 1,2 No Limit Hold em in Atlantic City and there are always those willing to put you down without a moments hesitation. Obviously some of the responses are notable and sensible points that need to be made. But some of its just blatant scumbagism. Some one always seems to wanna go out of their way to tell you that you can't do it.

You see the response I get from this dude Brooktrout. Fuckin ridiculous. Why does he have to throw that in there? How bout this dude?

Checkout what NJSP711 says in the reply #9. I frequently encounter this kind of nay sayer. I hate nay sayers! More than anything. This kid I lived with in college was a big time nay sayer. And used to try and put me down all the time about poker. He told me I sucked and I would never make it as a player all the time. He didn't even play. Ya see the worst thing about naysayers is they are so quick to lash out at you and even if they know nothing about a particular subject it doesn't stop them from acting like they know it all and putting you down. It's as if they don't even consider logical reasoning, just how to put you down. Why are so many people like this? What percentage of people are like this? Are you one of these people? Is your first instinct after reading something someone wrote or watching something they filmed, is your first instinct to make fun of them or leave a negative discouraging comment?

For some more good examples on the kind of behavior I'm talking about just go to YOUTUBE, look up pretty much anything and read the comments people leave. So many of them are filled with pure hate. It's sick. Whats your opinion on such matters? My question to you:

1) What perecentage of people are haters?

2) What is the root of such behavior?

If you feel the need to leave a comment making fun of me just to mock me precisely over what I'm trying to do with this post so be it. For some people thats just their first instinct.

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