Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Brezlin Challenge

Today marks the third day of the Brezlin challenge. Yesterday I played a solid session and reported it here with graphs and stats. And then mentioned I would have to play 30,000 hands before I can consider my win rate something to actually brag about.
Today I had some ridiculous luck. Not suckouts, I never really suck out on people, I get my money in with the higher percentage of winning most of the time. But I had some really fortunate card combinations in my favor. Meaning that I had an unbeatable hand and my opponent held a very strong, a near unfoldable hand but was just slightly behind mine. For example, I hold AA and my opponent held 88. The flop came A 2 8. Damn, he is done.

It actually happenned twice, where I flopped a set of kings against some poor bastards set of 10's. But I also was on the wrond end of this situation later on, as my set of 4's lost to a set of 10's. So I really was outrageously lucky only once, cause the other time gets negated by the 1 time I was outrageously unlucky. You feel me?

So anyway, The Brezlin Challenge. The 30,000 hands, I had roughly 27,000 to go after yesterday, having played close to 3,000 in 3 days. Today I played 1,000 and plan to do the same for the next month, and should take 26 more playing days to get to 30,000 assuming I complete the 1000 hands per session. After todays session, I have completed 3,792 hands, so yeah I have roughly 26k more to go.

After winning 115 bucks today in 1000 hands, I am up a total of 297 dollars in 3,792 hands. Here is a graph of todays session:
If you have trouble seeing it, simply click the image and it will be at full screen size. It was the best session out of 3 I've played since the challenge began. Some of the profit from my overall stats come from 2 short mini sessions I played on the first day, b4 I began 4 tabling. But the 40 bucks I made there will not really matter once the 30k hands is complete. Today's excellent session was topped off with a semi-big mistake by me as I made a bad river call. As with yesterdays session where I lost another big pot in the final minutes. Whatta ya gonna do, shit happens. But as you can see from the graph I was up over 130 at one point this session. Damn downswing. I actually broke even over the last 500 hands, as I was already up 115 after the first 500 hands, as you can see from the graph. You can also see my BB/100 hands stats for this session.

Anyway, heres a graph of the Brezlin Challenge overall, updated with todays graph.Thats 3,792 hands over 4 playing days. 3 full 1k hand sessions and 2 short mini sessions. 26k more and the challenge will be done. I think I've said this all already, just wanna make sure you understand, this poker graph and hands and BB/100 hands can be confusing to some.

So anyway over this first 3,792 hands of 25 max NLH I am up a total of 297 dollars in 12.5 hours. For an hourly rate of 24 dollars per. I am currently running at 15.6 BBs per 100 hands.

Tomorrow I may take a day off but soon enough I'll play another 1k hand session and post the graph, along with an updated overall Brezlin Challenge graph.

Hand of the day anyone? http://www.pokerhand.org/?4398303P

That shit is hilarious, make sure to watch the playback. What a ridiculous bet he made.

Peace out all. Who knows what kind of session I'll report about tomorrow, things may go wrong soon, I am running very hot right now, if the cards wanna screw me tomorrow so be it. But as always I do promise I will try my very best. Thats all you can do.

1 comment:

Joe Fiorello said...

That's awesome. I'll follow your progress.