Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Near Death Experience

I have not written in a long time cause I've been busy getting money. I don't have to much to say as of right now but that may change as I continue to write.

I am somewhat not broke right now. It feels really really good to not be totally broke.

I almost died in a car accident last week.

I would really like to start playing poker online, but am unsure how safe it is right now.

Supposedly the government seized like 50 million is online poker funds from people's accounts. I would like to put some cash online and play intelligently with it so I can have some source of income until July.

My cafe should be opened by July.

Or I could just stretch the money I have now until July, which is also doable, but not ideal.

Either way, I can't put any money online till I know for sure its safe.

I have been painting my parents deck and when I'm finished I'm gonna get a nice sum of cash money.

And I filled in for my father's driver who was out for 2 weeks, I was the delivery guy for a year, so it was easy, yet long and rough. I made the deliveries each day and now I have money, nice. But there was an accident. I do not wish to go into details about this accident at this point in time, due to the whole insurance thing.

To sum it up I was turning left on route 9 when I was slammed by an SUV going 50mph. The SUV was going straight and hit me head on, I was hit on my passenger side spun around in a complete 360 and then once again nailed in the back. They're is a horrendous dent in the back of the van and the front wheel also came off as well as shattering basically the whole passenger side of the hood to the wheel. You would probably feel the people in the car may be seriously injured if not dead. But I walked out without a scratch on me. The van is totaled, unfixable, as it was destroyed by this SUV in this high speed collision. Yet I manage to walk away without a scratch on me. The people in the SUV were also okay, from the last I saw of them, the worst they may have suffered is minor aches and pains. If they were not driving such a big safe car they may have been seriously hurt.

The worst part of the whole thing was the second where I knew this speeding mass of metal was going to hit me and I knew I could do nothing about it. The uncertainty. I remember thinking "Wow that's gonna hit me, for sure." And then I saw a vision of myself in the hospital with the feeding tubes and life support machine. And then bang!!!!!!!! A loud crushing boom, the van 360's around like a top and then I get slammed again in the back. Crunch!!!!!!!!!!

I jerk forward, get destroyed by the airbag, rattle around for a second and then come to a dead halt. I stand right up in my seat, and am perfectly fine. Crazy.

I immediately rush myself outside figuring I have to go rescue the people in the other car, and figuring they have to be dead. I feel so horrible. I run outta the van and toward their car which also almost completely wrecked, and off the road lying in grass. To my surprise I see the man and woman are both walking around outside, seemingly in better shape than me. What the hell?????????????????????

"Are you okay?" I shout at the guy.

He says yeah and asks me if I'm hurt. I say no and then ask if his wife is okay and he says yeah. I am stunned, first that I wasn't dead, then that they weren't dead.

Do you see how stupid it is now to hope you get lucky in a game of poker? I mean come on guy. Your really gonna stand up in your chair and pray to God that you hit your flush. I can miss my next 10,000 flushes and I'm still fortunate cause nothing fatal happened to me or these two people in this accident. This is the kind of stuff you need to use your luck wishes on. Not for selfish hopes that you'll win someone's money.

In retrospect, perhaps the accident was not as bad as it seemed at the time. 80mph would have really been a miracle to survive. But come on guy, getting slammed by an SUV at 50 mph? That's bad. A number of small variables definitely had to fall into place for everyone to walk away unscathed. Well shit, thank you God, and all other entities that anyone else out there believes in. Thank your lucky stars that the car that crashed into me was an SUV and not a toyota camry. I have pics, but do not wish to post them right now, due to the fact that I am not going into details about the particulars of this unfortunate incident.

I will get back into it my thoughts during the accident in next post. But I do not wish to speak much more of it at this time. Remember, the worst part of the whole thing was that foreverlasting second in which I knew I was gonna get hit and could do nothing but brace myself for impact. The anticipation and uncertainty was up there with some of the worst emotions I have ever felt.

One particular person I may have mentioned before on this site immediately came into my head the moment I knew it was over and I was still alive. Not my mother, father, sister, brother not any of my extremely close group of friends that have been like brothers to me since high school. Not any of these people, just one fuckin person popped right in, the very first second I knew I was okay. Can you believe this shit? Are you kidding me guy? Unbelievable. If your an avid follower of Frank's Days there no reason for me to explain further.

And in the words of Forrest Gump, that's all I got to say about that.

I think I'm gonna do another movie based post for next entry. Many of the thoughts from this particular incident will carry over into this movie review post that is coming soon. Peace out all, step back and get some perspective on the kind of things you should be cursing the gods over not getting your way about, life is to short. I guess everyday above ground is a good day if you really think about it.

1 comment:

Tomasz Mlynarski said...

damn good thing you made it out ok. you should prabobly go to the doctor and get some wOw anyway, you know just in case.