Friday, May 22, 2009

Hitting Walls

Member when I wrote that post like 2 entries ago, May 7th or something? Talking about all the exercise and grilled chicken and shit? Well surprisingly I'm not here to tell you about how I fucked it up. I actually have been keeping it up.

I just don't see the point of going on about it here. I don't find this website interesting anymore cause I haven't been playing to much poker. That's what this site is supposed to be all about. The life of a guy who lives just off the money he wins. But its not like that anymore cause I need to get a bankroll together and till it is I just still maintain the feeling that there is nothing interesting to say up in this blog.

What do you want me to tell you? I've been really taking it easy cause I thought my cafe was opening in May, but its still not open and won't be till mid June now. So I really would like this whole period of time of wasting time, not making money, and taking it so easy to be over.

I have been getting in shape though, not to the extreme level of the first week but still pretty good. And I have finally hit a wall, it's like May 22nd and I started May 4th, last updated you all on May 7th.

Since May 7th I have ran 40 minutes a day 5 outta 7 days a week on the elliptical and still have not drank anything but water and coffee. I still haven't eaten any bread, pasta, or desserts. I have been eating meat and chicken though, I'm not at the extremity I was in the first week, but basically still going strong.

I kinda hit a wall yesterday when I didn't run. I was so tired cause I fucked up my sleep schedule, it threw everything off. And I ate 4 buffalo wings the night b4. Gotta def run today. So since May 4th, it wasn't until May 21st that I finally hit a wall and got off track a bit. I feel really cracked from all this and am very tired. And am becoming increasingly worried this swine flu is going to spread to America soon and cause and epidemic.

I'm going to refurbish, or restain, or whatever the hell you call making an old outside deck look nice. I'm gonna get paid a nice little sum for this 2 week job and thats what I'm gonna do for money b4 the coffee shop opens and I have a job again. I really have no idea what the hell I'm doing but I can use the cash and shouldn't be to hard to figure out.

Once thats done I'll have like roughly 2 weeks b4 we open up and I have no life. As far as poker goes the truth is all that really matters is winning a huge tournament. Thats the the only way to get rich quick off poker. Thats what the appealing thing about the game has always been. So even if I'm living in AC or Vegas, or wherever playing cash games all the time and only playing poker for a living, it wouldn't change much. Cash games aka real poker are always just gonna be a job and like a job your making small amounts each week or month, and in the end it adds up. But cash games are never gonna give you that huge sum that will totally change everything. So it really doesn't matter whether you have job or are just playing cash games as a job, the fact that what you need to do to really be happy is win that big tournament and make a million buckers in less than a week.

Yeah you can make the argument that you can play high high stakes cash games and then you can make life changing money, but shit, still gotta have a lot to play for a lot, so either way cash games are a long time worth of grinding b4 you really change your life.

Big tournaments are what first made me love poker. I've pretty much only played cash games for so long, whats it gotten me? Just a semi steady income like a job would have. Only steady when I'm not completely insane from playing so much. You know the deal I've been over it a million times.

I still don't see the point of posting to much until I get the ball rolling with money. I no longer feel the need for it a much because I am really hardcore crackhead on the corner addicted to MLB2K9. Its sick, it really is, I don't even wanna leave my house. I really worry about my pyscholigical state due what this game has done to my life.

I play and play and play and play some more. Its going to be hard to adjust to grind of a normal productive American when we open up after doing so much playing. I am playing a franchise in the most realistic baseball simulation ever created by man. All the batting averages come out just like they would in real life. There is nothing stupid or unrealistic or too easy to beat about the game. It is a close to perfect baseball simulation and very challenging. Usually sports video games are too easy and not fun. This one remains a challenge and I am losing a lot so it keeps me coming back.

I am kind of obsessed with baseball right now. The Yankees are kicking ass and so is my fantasy baseball team. I'm not going into detail about my fanstasy team cause no one wants to hear about it and thats not what this site is for. I will say though I have always been skeptical about fantasy sports but Kirk got me to do it this year and it honestly is cool. Its a skill competition because the best General Manager wins. You have to know how to pick the right players and make the right trades, roster moves, etc. Its like poker because there will always be factors you can not control but in the longrun the best players will win. So give it a shot if you never have b4.

You ever notice how Derek Jeter and Johnny Damon are basically the same player? Check out these career stats.

And Johnny Damon

They both played their first full year in 1996 and were rookies in 95. They both are capable of hitting 20 homers but usually hit 15 to 18, and 25 maybe once. They both hit around .300 or a little higher or lower every year. They both drive in 80 or 90 runs but seldom 100. They both score a lot of runs and steal their share of bases. They are both exceptional all around players who are not completely dominant at any one particular strength. If you look at the their career stats their numbers year by year are frighteningly similar.

For their careers: JETER SS /DAMON OF

Total at bats: 8,190/ 8,012
Hits: 2,580 /2,319
Runs scored: 1492/ 1409
Homeruns: 211/ 193
Runs batted in: 1021/ 942
Doubles: 420/ 424
Triples: 57/ 94
Stolen bases: 283/ 365
Batting Average: .315/ .289

Best Season: 1999, .349 batting average, 24 homers, 102 rbi, 134 runs scored, 19 stolen bases

Best Season: 2000 with KC, .327 average, 16 homers, 88 rbi, 136 runs, 46 stolen bases

Crazy ay? Like all the same strengths, you could trade for each other and both teams would stay exactly the same. Sorry I couldn't make the comparison more pleasing to the eye, these damn computers and their word processing misfunctionalities. Yeah that's right I made that word right up. And believe it or not both are now receiving criticism for their defensive ability now that thier getting old.

So I ask you this question, if Derek Jeter is a no brainer for the hall of fame, what about Mr. Damon. I love baseball. I am obsessed with stats. When I was little I was so hooked on stats that I couldn't look at any 3 digit numbers without turning it into a batting average. Like if I saw the time was 3:47 pm. I would say wow that would be a sick batting average. Or if it was 6:27 I would realign the numbers and say "Well the only possible way to get a realistic batting average here is .267 or .276"

I was not able to see any numbers without thinking of stats. I hope it doesn't get like that again.

Changing the subject, here is a pic of my coffee shop with me photoshopped in.
That's the outside seating area that we expect to frequently be filled with caffeine drinking merry folk. See the logo uptop? Brooklyn Coffee House opening mid June, be there. Free coffee with breakfast first month unless I hear different from my investing partners. Can't wait to see you there, come order some cappuccino.

I weighed myself weeks back was 199 with shoes and clothes on. Just weighed myself b4 was 190 naked. So I think I've lost like 5 pounds. I should be skinnier by next post. Peace out all, see ya soon if I know you. If I don't, Rt 6 Mahopac, NY, you can't miss it, see you there.

Caption: (Jeter's numbers are slightly better, but by very very little, by an inconsequential margin)

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